IT is over, and it in a great way. Petter Northug goes out of the Norwegian cross-country skiing more popular than ever.

It occurs while the testament of his ready packed in tens of thousands of julepyntede Norwegian homes, while mates in the national team often had materials him the world CHAMPIONSHIP tour and the country’s best trainers have worked for months to get him back in the slot as the Northug the little langrennsverden will always remember.

As the main runner the sport has seen.

All of this is over in the direction of Petter Northug himself; the skier who is placed higher was so good, that he finally was allowed to be really bad without doing something either with expectations or popularity.

FOR some nevertheless it has been annoying that just the seemingly erratic Northug for years had run the show at most of the Norwegian cross-country skiing. It gets so be.

TV 2: Petter Northug adds up

I Myself have had many a feud in the slots with Petter; and also with the private support system of his, about some of the values he and the sponsors have lifted up. But now that his era is over, it is easy to see that there are these ethical and idrettspolitiske the discussions that remain.

on the other hand the story of the fabulous langrennsløperen.

IT is the neither that privatløper or Coop reklameplakat that Petter Northug will be remembered. The battle to go for himself, was a dead end. The shape and the concentration disappeared. It was, therefore, Petter last our found back to the community to make a final attempt to find himself.

But by then it was sporting seen too late.

JUST it could have happened regardless of training group. At least according to his book. It was in some parts remarkably honest about a boy who does not necessarily have told everything as it is.

in this well-written biography is The decision that enough is enough dated to just after the gold on the 5-mila under ski-VM in Oslo. Through the pen to the Jonas Forsang decision is almost poetic:

“When it hurts so much that you fail to understand what you think”

the Ski world CHAMPIONSHIP was over. And something in me was changed. It was as if I had come out of a snøhule after seven years. The sun in the sky, the wind against your face, the people around me. Everything felt new. The hungry that had always been there, as I had woken with every day since I was a little boy, was gone, he lets Forsang write.

There and then it was empty for the fuel that all these years since he was rejected for the OLYMPIC games which juniorløper in 2 006, had pumped up the Norwegian sports most impressive vinnervilje. Still be able to spray only Petter was humbled enough, but it was not to drive the motor is necessary to crank up toppidrettslivets monotonous everyday life.

FOR all then had Petter Northug reached all the goals:

I won. Oh my god, I said to myself, to think that I won the femmila. And so I let me over on the side, and slept a little. I woke up late, and ate breakfast. Four slices of bread with five eggs, beans, bacon, and cocoa. I did not care anymore. It was no longer about life and death, it was about to be comfortable. I trained still, but not like before,” admitted he.

IT was to understand. The book tells of nights with nightmares for life as Norway’s biggest sports star:

I had lived in a bubble for so long that I had problems with talking with people. It had almost developed into a form of social anxiety,, he analyzed his own life, and described how difficult it was to be out with the buddies. About how he couldn’t go anywhere without that people came or took up your phone to take pictures in the hide:

Everything is my at co-operative Comment

Everywhere, people contact, but I was a caveman who had just come out in the light. I was in shock. I managed to keep the old treningstrøkket up in both one and two days, getting to a good rhythm, but in the five subsequent days, I could just lie straight out and sleep. I trained when I wanted, he told from these days when there are sporting the decay started.

he still came out in the slot vinterne afterwards and went faster and more stable than ever, tells what athletic level we are talking about.

LATER we know that he again in the autumn of 2014 trained more than enough, but also why. The settlement after fyllekjøringen changed everything, and gave the fairy-tale moments in Falun. But as soon as he was not under pressure to perform, there was extreme langrennslivet over.

It was this he really told already in the book say, but we would rather not hear. Also it is to understand. Cross country skiing has been the most fun with Petter Northug regardless of whether you have liked or disliked what he came with in or out of the groove.

Now, he is unfortunately just outside.

His own book reveals: Now is Petter Northug finished as toppløper