If you thought that unicorns only belong in fairy tales, you must believe again.

Now, research shows even that the so-called ‘siberian unicorn’ very well may have lived concurrently with modern humans. It writes sciencealert.com according to the Science.dk.

For the first time, is the DNA from the Elasmotherium sibiricum, which is the animal’s Latin name, have been analyzed.

the Sample shows that the animal, previously thought extinct 200,000 years ago, have been alive as recently as 36,000 years ago.

The ‘siberian unicorn’ weighed approximately 3.5 tonnes and was in family with the rhinoceros. The one long horn on the head of the animal, it is estimated, could be up to a metre long.

DNA analysis shows, however, that the affinity with the modern rhinoceros is less, than earlier thought.

in Fact, you should as 40 million years back to find the time, where the fragmentation between Elasmotherium sibiricum and the line, which ended up being for today’s rhinos, took place.

The new analysis, which has been on the basis of fossil DNA from 23 different knogleprøver, pointing to the youngest of the animals extinct for between 35,000 and 36,000 years ago.

It is approximately at the same time modern humans began to populate the steppes in Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and northern China, but the analysis of acquittal perhaps surprising man to have wiped out the species. Instead pointing to scientists on climate change:

“It is during a period with climate change, which was not extreme, but which was the cause of colder winters, which, we believe, significantly changed græsarealerne in the area,” says Alan Cooper from the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide to sciencealert.com according to the Science.dk.

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