the Norwegian is one of the five judges in place in Östersund, sweden, and his responsibility is the shooting range.

– the most Important thing in my job is to be calm and not to stress me up. Then dissolves the most part, ” he says to DN.

the Olsens job started ahead of the championship. He checked that the preparations made according to the rule book. The embankment shall be plane, the distances of the right (from the carpet to the painting exactly 50 metres) and the wall behind the tables without the bullet holes.

the Wall we check also between each race there can be a discussion if a skater has shot all the shots or not. If a bom is not registered on the board, so can the shot sit in the wall behind and it happens at least once every competition.

, a completely digital and then simply the majority of the ball to be inside for it to be registered as a hit. Or, as here, in Östersund, sweden, a mechanical case, where it is calculated how much force is required to knock down the target. The mechanics supplemented with digital registration as the feel of the barriers.

” Yes, then they shot crazy. And then it is up to the rider to understand that it was a bom. At the shooting range, no information is given to the athletes.

– It is the hauliers ‘ responsibility to keep track of the number of booms. But it happens that they see wrong and we have had riders who have travelled a straffrunda for a bit here at the world CUP and then the two tilläggsminuter.

Sometimes pushes the riders crazy, but most of the shots going in the right direction. Photo: Petter Arvidson/Bildbyrån

other incidents during the world CUP also. The Tv presenter André Pops delayed a training session when he would practice as a painter, which Sebastian Samuelsson most laughed at while the International skidskytteförbundets tävlingschef Borut Nunar was insane and wanted to throw out the SVT-profile. According to the channel’s expert Björn Ferry, it was not so far away.

A slovenian rider fired a shot at training before the last of the officials left the embankment after to have changed the paperboard at the targets. She got a verbal warning.

” It was probably 80 metres between the track she stood on the last official, so it was no drama but still a security breach. I spoke with her and she was very sad. But it is my job to get the skater and coach to the attention of the wrong, ” says Hans Peter Olsen.

early on, pushed up in the air before the rider brought down the weapon and directed against the board, but Olsen says that he has not been there during his 20 years in the skidskyttecirkusen. However, it happens any time of the year that a rider forgets to check the weapon when the hen leaves the skjutmattan and to a shot going off in vallaboden or in the roof of a car on the way from the arena.

Before the world CUP in notified världscupledaren Johannes Thingnes Bø that he forgot to shoot the last shot in a competition in the united states. Any organizer on the basis of ”a chain of unfortunate events” is not revealed. But the Norwegian was honest, reported himself and was disqualified for violation of safety regulations.

” What is dangerous is that he goes with a shot in the tray in the rest of the race.

the Distance between the carpet and the tables at the shooting range is 50 yards. Photo: Petter Arvidsson/Bildbyrån

but, strangely when that happens, the world CUP-stars “lost it”.

As when Austria’s Lisa Theresa Hauser shot five hit but on the wrong painting in the women’s sprint. Hans Peter Olsen says that an american rider in the women’s distance shot a hit on their own track and then four on the track next to it.

” Good question. How they manage to aim over the ”t-things” that marks each path, I do not understand. But they are in their own bubble, ” says the Norwegian, while he smiles and shakes lightly on the head.

for Hans Peter Olsen starts in the morning when he is doing a turn at the shooting range and check that everything is okay. Then waiting for the meeting with the other judges, and competition management. Issues to be discussed. If it snows, how will it removes? Be a part of the track turned off to save the dossier to the race?

He follows the open workout and take in the views. When the race is in the time he is at the shooting range to the last rider left the meadows.

Hans Peter Olsen in conversation with Armin Auchentaller, the coach of the united states, during a training session. Photo: Petter Arvidson/Bildbyrån

the Judge has a lot of contact with the coaches during the race. Leaders who can be both very upset and very excited.

– on the distansloppet when Hanna shot in full and the Swedish coaches was in ecstasy. I have the hanna’s dad on the embankment (Tomas Öberg is deputy skjutbanechef during the world CUP) and then I could just say, ”Tomas, now you can go”. And it was okay, for it warms the.

” But so have the times when the practitioners done wrong, and then it is not always the coach agrees with us, but then we have video that we can lean on and say ”see here”. Even if all the coaches are good, it is not always that all the rules as well.

the toughest task he set for not been in Östersund, but in the past at the world junior CHAMPIONSHIPS.

– having To wash the dishes, a young rider never feels good. But it is incredibly important that they learn about safety, for the future.

When the last rider finished and the competition evaluated plunges him into bed. ”All fresh air” is unusual for a kontorsråtta. Then start a new day on the world’s skjutvall.

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