THE finest images from the world cup in cross country skiing at Beitostølen last weekend, showed joy at the Finnish skijentene after his third place finish in the relay. It was a surprisingly strong performance by a particular team put together by a kjempesprek 40-year-old (Riitta-Liisa Roponen), two inexperienced (Johanna Matintalo/Evelina Piippo) and verdensstjernen Krista Pärmäkoski.

When 20-year-old Piippo as far as the lost in tomorrow’s Russia’s best team, cast lagvenninnene over her in the snow of joy. So much did it mean to have distanced the Swedish favorites.

Niskanen hires skandaletrener, which allegedly forced athletes to EPO usage: – He was dopingsjef no. 1

But not everyone was equally impressed. The Finnish MTV broadcaster Jari Isometsä used the occasion to scold out the rest of the Finnish skijentene:

– They are not bad; they are a kastastrofe, told Isometsä their listeners.

While the snow at Beitostølen melted in shame.

FOR the same Isometsä is more than a random TV-commentator. He is dopingdømt from the biggest scandal in a potentially vandalisert Finnish elite sport.

It is basically a riddle how a TELEVISION channel can keep up with an EPO-judged as ekspertkommentator on the cross-country. Finnish media and sports are dragging with them a little bit for many such mysteries, and looking in among not seem to have learned so much of the a long national dophistorie. The more important it is to speak up every single time types that Isometsä uses most of the major characters to tell us about what is good and what is bad.

In this the company is only Jari Isometsä even that has done something catastrophic.

LONG he was not even big enough to admit it. In the twelve years blånektet he to have used doping during the world championship at home in Lahti in 2001. Where was he banned in the middle of the championship for the findings of the RAUCOUS; a blood-thinning agent which is used to hide the EPO.

Isometsä said not guilty. First, when Finnish authorities started with rettsoppgjøret against the moral failure among runners, coaches and leaders in skilandslaget, bundled him into the selvmotsigelsene that led to the innrømmelsen.

Finnish dopere in the queue

During the start of this trial in the summer of 2011 testified Isometsä under oath that he had never done anything wrong. It turned out to be a well spirited strategy. Right afterwards was the court presented a document signed in a sauna in Lahti where the then already revealed Isometsä was granted around 1.3 million Norwegian kroner from the rest of the gang not to tell about that this scam really covered almost the whole of the Finnish national team.

AND all that embarrassing for the former skihelten did not stop there. Isometsä their testimony had annoyed the old assistants so much so that his former physician told of how he all from 1996 had helped skiløperen with the purchasing of the expensive nyremedisinen EPO:

It felt like a fillesak. I thought that as this was a Finnish man who went on the ski with elementary school as the only ballast. About the type of lubricant was the only thing that was needed to get things on the care, then was about to help, said the doctor Pekka Kuponen about the reason he went over the border to Sweden to buy EPO as a medicine. This trade was in court, confirmed by an employee of the pharmacy who was in despair over how the duty of confidentiality covered over dopkjøp:

This was not something a doctor/patient relationship, but only based on the friendship between me and Isometsä. Therefore, I am not bound by the obligation of confidentiality, explained the doctor.

THE explanation kept at least until the devastating judgments of the masterminds behind this Finnish skisvindelen. Something more naive Isometsä was two years later indicted along with stafettkameratene Harri Kirvesniemi and Janne Immonen for perjury. Then had the doctor and hovedvitnet Koponen in the meantime, it drowned in a pool in Thailand.

Even a Finnish brønnpisser

The three were sentenced to six months of conditional imprisonment, before thus some Finnish mediesjefer thought it was a good idea to let one of the country’s most famous dopere comment on the old national sport of nordic skiing. Jari Isometsä first got a job as ekspertkommentator for storavisa Iilta Sanomat during the Lahti world cup 2017; and, the championship would mark the end of the national traumas from the world cup-2001. Later, he was picked up by the TV channel MTV.

Then, at least the Finnish audience think of who says that today’s cross-country skiers don’t measure up.

FOR the old skistorheten Finland is struggling despite klasseløpere as Iivo Niskanen and Krista Pärmäkoski. They lack width. Last year was the strongest Finnish herreløper number 30 in the Scandinavian Cup where the top 25 were Norwegian. Among the girls had fins, only two among the top 25.

In the situation, it is more than daring to let a previous dops decide what is good enough for the Finnish cross-country skiing.

It is actually the only thing in these TV pictures from Beitostølen town that may remind you of an incipient disaster.

Speak only badly about Marit Bjørgen. But it is not, therefore, he never should have been pardoned