Cats-versed experts tell Companion Animal Psychology site, what single thing would make the world a better place for cats. Daily playtime

university of California researcher Bernard Delgado leant the importance of play.

– the World would be a better place for cats, if cats with the live would play with them every day with interactive toys.

Delgado told that many of the behavioral advice of the arriving guests claim that their cat play or want to play. He recalls, however, that cats are predators and said that all cats have the ability to play in a manner that resembles the prey of the recognition steps.

Delgado, according to the cat I get to play when you move the toy like it was your prey, you stimulate all your cat’s senses and keep in mind that their predatory behaviour stalking and attack.

in Many indoor cats is too little stimulation. We give them love, but it is not enough. They need physical activity to stay fit and stress reduction. A couple of minutes of playtime on a stick to be a toy with fun and relationship strengthening experience for both!

dealings With different preferences than people from UNSPLASH

the animal protection organisation RSPCA to raise misunderstandings, which applies to cats social use, and in particular their interaction with humans.

– most cats prefer to typically the frequent but low-intensity interaction, while many people prefer less frequent but longer lasting interaction.

the Difference can Gaines according to the result, that the cat behaves aggressively and may be therefore labeled cranky or mean.

Time to abandon the stereotypical

Researcher Naomi Harvey the university of Nottingham would like to emphasize the fact that cats are individuals with multifaceted personalities and a wide range of social needs.

– People who have not had a close relationship with the cat, often assume the stereotype that cats are independent and will tolerate people just to get food and warmth. In this result, some keep cats as pets, which require less attention and responsibility than dogs.

Harvey stresses that cats have very different personalities and cat individuals social needs are different. Many cats are in need of affection and the devil’s prosperity will suffer if they are left for long periods of time alone or are forced to be outside all day.

unsplash-time socialization, the importance

– If you promote us and educate us to the kittens socialization of the importance in the same way as puppies, would the world be a better place for cats, said a canadian animal protection organization BC SPCA’s director of Kim Monteith .

So in dogs than cats, too, have a small puppy as the so-called sensitivity period. Cats bring season is Monteith, about 3 to 7 weeks of age.

the sensitivity of the period is an important period of the animal of the future experience in terms of.

– during the Season we offer the puppies a good experience with the world: submit to those kinds of people, environments, objects and animals, as well as get used to the handling. How different their experiences and lives would be if we did this. Early socialization helps the cats not to be afraid of new things and the environment changes in situations, which they in any case face during his life.

the needs of the environment

Cats behavior expert Ingrid Johnson would pay more attention to the cats in the living environment, the needs related to understanding. He sees that the cats needs and what cat owners and carers are offered, do not always coincide.

– Understanding cats ‘ physical and emotional needs must be improved, and this applies to animal care professionals as a pet for products intended for designers and cat breeders.

If the cats would be less of their environment due to stress, they would be less diseases and behavior disorders.

– Many behavior problems would be born, if the cats would offer to their needs, taking into account the environment. Cats need bigger litter box. They need higher and coarser scratch trees ridiculous door knob hanging by a piece of carpet instead. Cats need challenges and stimulates the world, which arouse their inner predator, but offer the same security.

Johnson says cat owners require more knowledge and better products, but much remains to be done before our homes will still be cat friendly.

Source and add the expert comments on: Companion Animal Psychology


the Thing is published for the first time in January 2018.