Christmas is approaching, and it also means that people flock to the mandatory christmas parties, which can offer a snaps or two.

But you have the car with you – then let is stand.

this is the message from the Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter, who on Thursday starts the annual julespirituskontrol in traffic in the entire country.

the check runs until the 26. december, and according to police is still needed to make.

– We can still see accidents happen where the liquor is a substantial factor in the accident.

– So it is casino siteleri necessary, therefore, that we are out there, says Christian Berthelsen, policewoman at Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter.

Spirituskontrollerne will be focused on the big julefrokostdage on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in the weeks leading up to christmas. However, there will also be carried out checks on Sundays, where drivers may still be affected after the ingestion of spirits the evening before.

the Police will also check for drivers that driving under the influence of drugs or medication.

According to Christian Berthelsen hope they are, of course, that there are no drink driving crashes drivers, but the expectations for this year’s control is that it

not the case.

– Unfortunately, our controls around J-day, unfortunately, a major increase in drink driving crashes drivers, as we stopped, than I really had expected, says Christian Berthelsen.

He hopes, however, that people will think an extra time before they put themselves into in the car after a christmas party.

Police recommend that to keep themselves from drinking alcohol for the christmas party, if you have plans to run a car. You can’t stay away from the alcohol, you should arrange a ride or an overnight.

In 2017, led the police julespirituskontroller to the 275 drivers were charged with drink-driving. 180 was charged for being under the influence of drugs or medication.