the sound of the Voice tells it all. The words are almost secondary, when Claus Bo Larsen with mournful voice expresses his sadness over the phone late Wednesday night.

The former topdommer is clearly affected by the mentorens death. He got the message a few hours earlier from a colleague.

Peter Mikkelsen was once the world’s best judge. Now he has left the very same world. Wednesday he slept quiet. Died of cancer at the age of 58.

– It is sad that a man who was so fond of life, going away at such a young age. It is as distressing as it may be, say Claus Bo Larsen to Ekstra Bladet.

He calls Mikkelsen for the best judge, Denmark have ever had. But above all, he calls the deceased ex-judge of a good man.

Dommerduoen were not just colleagues. They were companions. Friends with the flute as the common denominator.

– When I was young, taught Peter to me how you had to commit themselves on the scenes outside of Denmark. He has been a mentor for a lot of judges and made a great piece of work. As I see it, he was one of the reasons that the Danish judges were rated as high in the world, says Larsen.

He is five years younger than Mikkelsen and had him as a teacher, since his own dommerkarriere began to take off in the mid-nineties. Larsen was aired as fjerdedommer, when Mikkelsen had to go out on the big tasks in Europe. The pupil recalls clearly how the mentor managed to make himself respected at the largest addresses. The inflammatory areas. Illustrious arenas and cauldrons.

I remember that I some times said to him (Mikkelsen, ed.), I was happy that it was not me who would judge the fight. But he took with a smile and said ’we will do, Claus.

Around the big clubs, he was adored, and we were treated like kings and greaves. Peter always had a smile on her lips, and it was the industry not accustomed to. Judges could easily be seen as boring people. Many appeared reserved, he says.

Claus Bo Larsen I already miss the master. But most of all man. It is a big loss, as he puts it.

– I have just sat and looked at pictures from the old days in the photo album, where we sit and enjoy over a game of tapas. On the trips was that the pictures taken from the stadium, restaurants and the dressing room, he says.

Claus Bo Larsen set his career in 2013. He sentenced the 19 seasons in the League, and managed to lead the flute in both the semi-finals of the Europa League and the Champions League.