In 38 years, Steen ‘Guf’, Ingolf Gad Østerby lived alone in a forest. Year round – in the heat wave and icy cold – he struggled to cope with the primitive lifestyles in a marsh at the the Cornerstone about 20 kilometers from the town.

up Until a few weeks ago asede and was grinding he day long in order to procure firewood from the forest, so he could keep warm in his bus throughout the winter. He had no idea that he was sick, but Tuck was seriously ill, and on Wednesday, he died at the regional hospital Holstebro – 83 years old.

– He was very, very sick of cancer. It is pretty amazing that he could keep it at a distance for so long. He was fit up until a few days ago. Be able to manage themselves. It just goes to show how strong he was, says TV Midtvest-the photographer Majbrit Bach, who in nine years has followed the hermit and his life in the forest, to Ekstra Bladet.

Repeatedly she has with his camera on his back, visited the place, and it, among other things, come the documentary ‘When the Goodies went in the forest’. But the two developed more than just a professional relationship, she says.

Tuck lived in the 38 years of drinking water from the marsh and eat the forest animals and plants. Once a week he went to the city – among other things, to buy cigarettes. Photo: TV2
– It was very nice to visit the place, and we had many good talk about everything possible – even when the camera was turned off. He was really good to talk with and knew a lot, says Majbrit Bach, who, of course, is concerned over the loss of the Tuck.

– I’m going to miss him. Very! When it is said and done, then I am glad, that he would not end up in a nursing home. It would not be him. If he would have chosen, he would have been glad that it went relatively quickly, says the photographer, at the latest, as the Tuck on Sunday.

Tuesday she was at the regional hospital Holstebro in order to see to Mutual, but he had it so bad, that she chose to drop the visit.

– We had such a good time together on Sunday, and it is, I would like to stay at to remember, she says.

It was Majbrit Bach, Thursday in the previous week, Mutual sick and frail, then she would give the hermit a visit. She found him lying in the bed in the bus he bought for 700 dollars for many years ago, and who since then have formed the framework for the whole of his life.

Candy had been in bed for three days without food and was clearly weakened. Therefore he was driven to the hospital. Here he was initially admitted with a severe pneumonia. Studies later showed that the Mutual was hit by cancer in several places in the body.

According to the TV Midtvest has Mutual even decided how he should from here. He must be burned and his ashes to be spread in the wild. After his wish comes it to be in silence.

‘Since the goodies went in the forest’ can be seen on the TV2 Play. TV2 re-broadcast of the documentary 29. december.

Tuck was married three times. Photo: TV2