“Unfit water in 100 days”

“the Village of Klitten in the Region could on the Tuesday note, an unfortunate date. The village had been without clean water in a hundred days – and no one knows when water can be drunk again.”

” Not a clue. I work with this every single day. I try to find solutions on it, ” says Erik Casselbrant on the municipal water company Nodava.”

“the Residents of Klitten has got to boil all the tap water since 1 October last year, and the patience starts to run out of the inhabitants, writes The tidninga r.”

“– So here you should not need to have the year 2019. Should it have to take such a time? This is an acute problem. Now it was allowed to happen, ” says bybon Bear Håmås to the newspaper.”

“Nodava has made several attempts to purify the water, but none have succeeded. In the long term, the village will get a new water source, or alternatively, build the water treatment plant. But it takes of course time.”

“– These solutions must first be reported to the politicians before a decision can be taken. We can only recommend opportunities, ” says Erik Casselbrant, operations Nodava.”

“National vattenkatastrofgruppen on the Nfa is now plugged in to provide support. A provisional removable water plant could be installed, but also it would take.”

“While the water is unfit, the residents fetch water from a water tank at the treatment plant, but it think they are not enough.”

“– I usually take with me a bunch of bottles to work. Then I can fill them there and take home. It feels like we live in Ethiopia or something, ” says Jimmie Robertson, who lives in the village.”

“Klitten also affected the last winter of the unfit water, then.”