In the past football season in the highest Swiss League in every fourth Match to force. This is according to a report in the “NZZ am Sonntag” from a Reporting, for which the police has for the first time, all of the incidents during the 404 to Play the two highest leagues and Cups covered.

On the outskirts of 68 Play it came, therefore, into any Form of violence. Especially in the trains for arrival and departure of the Fans occurred between cases. “Many of the trains are rights-free zones”, is Markus Jungo, head of the Police coordinating body of Sport cited in the report. “The Situation is catastrophic.” So Fans would throw up during the journey through the stations of the burning torches kayaşehir escort and setting off bangers on the platforms and in the foot down the guides.

The Reporting, according to the fire Fans to 76 percent of the assessed football torches, so-called pyro, which is prohibited under the explosives act play. The Details of the analysis are to be published in two weeks. Sports Minister Viola Amherd (CVP) to take advantage of the football clubs more accountable. “You have to look with the clubs, the conversation and English, and clearly say: do you also have a responsibility,” said the councillor of the newspaper. You can’t deport the Hooligan Problem in the state. (roy/SDA)

Created: 16.06.2019, 05:30 PM