new year’s resolutions? Of the BR Volleys some, but mainly the a: play better than in this terrible first half of the current season. It is going to start already today, on Friday in the Max-Schmeling-Halle against Bühl (beginning at 19.30). Who cares only a little for the German football, may be surprised with a view on the current League table of the men. The Volleys, the German champion in the last three years, and, together with the Friedrichshafenern with the highest Budget in the League equipped, are currently in sixth place. “For us, that is not tolerable. We have made the team the first Training in the new year,“ says therefore, Manager Kaweh Niroomand.

The 66-Year-old is since many years the strong man at the Berlin club, a little more than that even. The BR Volleys are more or less his Baby. He has been able to acquire the main sponsor, and he has also ensured that the Volleys will play for over ten years in the volleyball conditions, very large and well-visited Max-Schmeling-Halle. “We have demonstrated how one can basketball make it presentable,” he had said at the Start of the current season and the mouth is not fully taken.

“The endgame for us is far away”

not helps But currently of past glory. “This is still a brutally hard season with a very difficult starting position in the Play-offs,” said Niroomand. “The endgame for us is far away.” So the Whole thing goes in the right direction, would need to meet the many new additions to your expectations, including national players such as the US-American Benjamin Patch, the Frenchman Nicolas Le Goff or German talents such as Jan Zimmermann and Moritz Reichert.

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“We have a strong squad”, says Niroomand, despite the weak first half of the season. This raises the question of whether it’s not the new coach Cedric Enard, that the seemingly strong team is, as usual, at the top of the table. “With individually-strong squad, I mean our coach,” said Niroomand, and adds: “the fact That we are well positioned to not only see, but also those who have an understanding of the Volleyball.” Thus, there remains for him only to hope that he and the many Volleyball experts are right and the quality is basically there. Then it would be only a matter of time until nobody’s more surprised about the Bundesliga table.