“Was lost in the woods for several days – was taken care of by björn”

“The three-year boy Casey disappeared in North Carolina, and several engaged in the search. That tour is found he is safe and sound, and it is thanks to a bear, according to the boy himself. “

“In the Tuesday afternoon disappeared, the three-year Casey Hathaway from his grandmother’s home in North Carolina. He had been out and played but never returned to the house where his grandmother was. Then followed two days of intensive searching in the cold weather. After a polispådrag found to the end of Casey at the life in the forest on Thursday. He was taken to the hospital and have fully recovered.”

“– He never went into how he managed to survive, but he said he had a friend in the woods, which were a bear that has been with him, “says sheriff Chip Hughes, and continues:”

“– The little boy is happy, also his parents.”

“According to Casey it is a bear, specifically a black bear, which protected him from injury during his time away. Something even the members of his family written about on Facebook.”

“”Casey feel good, smile and talk. He says he hung out with a bear for two days,” writes the fictional Breanna Hathaway on his Facebook page, according to The Independent.”

“black bears may be common in the state but it is unclear whether it is true or not. According to Tom Arnbom, an expert at the WWF, it can even be a tall tale, and his gut feeling says it is not true. But he does not want to dismiss the story completely.”

“– You will not completely say no, to such here. A three-year boy who walks around a little confused in the forest is no threat to the bears. It is a figure of a bear that has lost her young, she may have taken him in temporarily, he can not provide food but he might have got heating of any kind, “he says to Aftonbladet morning and continues:”

“– There are lot of stories about similar things, but I do not know the phase, if something is true, where monkeys, wolves and dogs are involved. They are social animals that are accustomed to care for other people’s offspring. Bears are really loners and do not want to help in any way.”