He has reportedly paid her several hundred thousand dollars to keep quiet, and nearly as many money requires she of him for slander.

the Case of the UNITED states’president, Donald Trump, and the former porn star Stormy Daniels is intense and is all about huge amounts of money.

And so you might think that sexmodellen with the civil name Stephanie Clifford in his current fame and possible views of big money, no longer to gad work.

nevertheless, had Daniels on Wednesday night found a couple of old fag-tricks.

Policy – 6. may. 2018 – at. 21:55 Stormy Daniels in a surprising tv appearance: Warns Trump

At NOLA’s Penthouse Club in New Orleans, supplied the marrow of their bones 39-year-old a solid sexshow to the sound of songs like ‘American Woman’, ‘American Girl’ and ‘Every Rose Has Its Thorn’.

It is unknown what the club paid Daniels for her performance. In turn suggests nothing that the increased kendisfaktor has got the star to screw ‘prices’ unnecessarily in the weather.

20 dollars, similar to the small 125 Danish kroner, took Daniel’s thus paid for pictures and autographs later in the evening, writes TMZ.

the Whole case of the president and the porn star broke out in January, when Stormy Daniels stood forth and claimed that she had had an affair with Trump. She also said that she had received money to keep quiet about it, before the Trumps, in this campaign, started in 2016.

On a trip in Air Force One rejected Trump subsequently to have knowledge of cohen’s payment of the porn star.

Trump himself has denied knowledge of that Stormy Daniels was supposed to be blackmailed by Cohen. (Video: AP)

Suddenly admitted Trump, however, that he had paid Stormy Daniels to tie. About what, is not known, for the two have, according to the president not had an affair.

Stormy Daniels has started court proceedings against president Trump, because she wants to get out of the fortrolighedsaftalen, which she agreed up to the presidential elections in 2016, in exchange for 130,000 dollars.

in Addition, believes Daniels, Trump has tried to discredit her claims by pointing to the man, which, according to Daniels tried to threaten her into silence in a parking lot in Las Vegas in 2011, as ‘a man who does not exist’.

Pornostjernens lawyer in an interview with The Guardian, expressed his frustration and stated that he does not see it possible for Trump to be seated as president the rest of the parliamentary term:

– Ultimately, he was forced to resign. I don’t know how he will spin his departure, but I am convinced that there will be so many incriminating evidence of wrong actions committed by the Trump, and the people around him, that he may not survive the rest of this parliamentary term.

Stormy Daniels during a strip show in October 2016. The same month transferred the Trump camp of 130,000 dollars to the porn star. Video: Splash