the Battle for the winter OLYMPICS in Norway reminds more and more about the EUROPEAN war. Let us unite the nation with something completely new.

I remember the winter OLYMPICS in Lillehammer in 1994 as a great anti-climatic. Almost disappeared in the folkehavet, expecting the restless, six-year-old version of myself for hours to see some løypeglimt of tremila. Or was it the relay? I don’t remember. It was at least 20 less, and nothing lived up to expectations. It went too fast, it was not gold.

at The time I was well too young to completely lose myself in an event of OLs dimensions. For not talk about the idrettsglede and national romanticism. I would base in the snow, do not freeze to three times for 16.5 in Price:.

I can not stand more On the grain

Now want to powerful forces in both the people and the politics give me the kind of experience-revenge. The campaign for a new, Norwegian OLYMPIC application is started. Perhaps there Lillehammer 2030, perhaps, the event spread throughout the country.

Anyway, 36 years and four hundredths after the italians snøt Bjorn Daehlie for an olympic gold medal on the relay, the OLYMPIC games will once again be a festival in Norway.

Vinterolympiaden are, however, not welcomed by all. Sveinung Stensland (H) says to NTB that he will “continue the fight against wasting good money on a meaningless event taking place in two weeks.” Bad money, on the other hand?

the Same party idrettspolitiske spokesman, Tage Pettersen, think on their page there is a majority in the stortingsgruppa for a new OLYMPIC games in Norway. Stensland is only a grinebiter. Moreover, he is not taken seriously the many opportunities budgeting “below the line” offers. Who wouldn’t want to see thousands of Norwegian flags fly in vinterregnet, cost what it cost will?

Of the latter consideration alone, one might perhaps believe the Progress was for. Flag, oljepengebruk, and nationalism is a kind of holy trinity for them. But no, not without a referendum first.

all memory r more and more about the EUROPEAN war. We lack only someone that can shout “нет” and pointing to the democratic deficit.

Wait! Sorry. Marie Sneve, vice chair in Red, you will also get the release here: “We are opposed to the OLYMPICS until the IOC takes itself together and become a more democratic organisation that can manage to arrange something other than lavish elitearrangementer beyond spending money.”

Someone will have to pay more tax. Is that you? Comment

Like that. Thank you. If you bother to send talepunktene over to Vedum of the center party, so you can save him some time.

Labour party idrettspolitiske spokesperson, Trond Giske, will not rule out anything. But then reminds the Labour party suspicious about the pampeveldet in the IOC.

The cunning strategist thinks no matter who saw that the Labour party wins power in the parliamentary election 2021, but lose hardly in 2025. When are funding the Conservative problem. Or so he wants just any distraction from the party’s internal hundreårskrig welcome.

Same what fans say , there is great doubt about the economic benefit such events bring with them. The winter OLYMPICS in Lillehammer was three times as expensive as expected. Several studies find no significant economic upturn as a result of major sporting events like the OLYMPICS.

Maybe we should think completely different. Norway is not only a vinternasjon longer. We have five times as many active cricketspillere as skaters. With the cricket world cup in Norway in 2030 we release fear snømangel, the IOC, the second in the relay, and oljepengebakrus. Viewing is great and the king need not freeze on the legs during the opening.

Soak a bit of it kamferdropset, Jens Gerhard Heiberg.

Yes to fun! Comment