MERÅKER/OSLO: Therese Johaug was completely superior in the women’s 10 kilometres, which opened NM in Meråker.

Well over a minute separated down to the lagvenninnene Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen, Ingvild Flugstad Østberg and Heidi Weng who came in the closest seats behind.

though Weng finally was the one who had to be outside the podium, it was just she who had the highest jubelbrølet when she arrived in the target. Weng did not care particularly about the location, ” she says when Dagbladet asks about the roar after finish.

It is fun to go as fast as Astrid, so it was really there. It was there that was really fun, ” says Weng.

Johaug crushed the competition in NM: – This is a skremmeskudd – Felt real good

finally it seems that things are starting to loosen a bit formmessig for Weng. Even think Weng that this was the first time she managed to open a bit harder and get a good response from the body.

– I feel somehow that I tried to open a little harder and felt it was a bit good. The first five miles I felt really good, so I thought jøssenavn now … I feel that the body has been so heavy the entire year, and then I felt suddenly that it was a bit easier, tells Weng to the Newspaper.

After that trøbbelet began to the OLYMPICS in Pyeongchang, it has taken a long time for the 27-year-old to find back to himself. Weng was told to take it easy treningsmessig to the well later in the autumn and it was expected that it would take time for Weng to get in shape.

‘ve gone with the backpack

Nonetheless, there has been a heavy winter so far for last year’s sammenlagtvinner in the world cup. Thus, it felt extra gone when the body finally lystret Weng.

– There are maybe two races I have felt it has gone a little better, but otherwise I feel like I’ve gone with a backpack on your back under the skirenn and have simply felt really heavy. I tried somehow to go a little faster, but the difference from all the years, where when I have been stiff not to have wanted more, I managed to stand all the way in and that was why I was a bit satisfied now, ” explains Weng.

If it means that the Weng can find toppformen already to the world CHAMPIONSHIP, she is not sure.

” We’ll see, but I’m certainly very pleased. So is it not something to do with Therese about the day, so we hope we can do something with it towards the end. It is a little boring, she must get a little competition. Not from me yet, ” says a relieved and happy Weng.

Thursday, however, was a large upswing for Weng. With fourth place secured, she most likely spot on the team for the same distance in the world cup and is now in the driver’s seat ahead of Ragnhild Haga for space on distances of 15 km with skibytte and 30 km.

Jacobsen warns against early Norwegian withdrawal: – Only nonsense