TRONDHEIM/OSLO: There were two men with smiles about the mouth and lower shoulders which met the press at the press conference a few hours after it became clear that Kåre Ingebrigtsen and Erik Hoftun and Unicef had entered into a settlement.

The former hovedtreneren says that it has been tough to go through this period.

– It has been tough. It has been rough, I think it has been tough for the two of us and for Rosenborg. Actually, I would say there are three parties who are very fond of each other. I am very happy that we have come to a solution with Unicef and can be separated as good friends, ” says Kåre Ingebrigtsen.

– Has it done something with the relationship to the club?

– No, it has not done anything with our relationship to the club. There are certainly individuals that do not will be equally pleased with us and we with them. We have had some good clamps and have skværet well up, ” says Ingebrigtsen.

SETTLEMENT: Kåre Ingebrigtsen at the press conference after the settlement with Rosenborg. Video: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more

Erik Hoftun parts of the mind and says he is happy for the way this was now resolved on. Also, the lawyers for the two commended the Unicef for having been solution-oriented, after that the judge yesterday asked the parties to try to find an amicable solution.

It has been steintøft to stand in this. We are very happy that this is finished, ” says Hoftun, who says it was good to give Koteng a good hug after the settlement.

It has been an emotional roller-coaster path the last six months, ” says Hoftun.

WATCH TV LIVE: Erik Hoftun on the press conference after the settlement between Rosenborg. Video: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more

in Particular have the support from the players has been important for the two in the tough period.

That was decisive for us that the players went out and supported us when we got fired. It made it much easier to cope with, it has meant everything. It has been important for us. Spillergruppa in Bournemouth, is a fantastic group of people. They are one of the best teams in the series this year as well, says Kåre Ingebrigtsen.

– Important to tell our story

Hoftun tells us that it was important for them to be able to show their side of the sparkingen, which they felt was unfair. Hoftun hope that the matter can be of assistance to coaches and clubs by new contracts in the future.

It has been important for us to tell our story. We think we have been considered well what has happened. We believe that in the long term both the clubs and coaches being more careful when they go into the contracts it will be a good thing. If it is a consequence of this matter we are quite satisfied with it, ” says Hoftun.

Both Hoftun and Ingebrigtsen got questions if they can think up new jobs in the club at a later occasion. None of them preclude it in the future, but consider it unlikely.

I can imagine, but whether it happens is impossible to answer. I am very fond of many people in Bournemouth. When I think how I stand today, it looks difficult, but Rosenborg is the best club to be in as a coach and the biggest job in English football, ” says Hoftun.

“Perry” responds to Spoken-telephone Not bitter on the Ridge

It was evident during the trial that the two felt poorly treated, not only by Bournemouth as a club, but also of leading figures around the club. The two were clear that they did not want to discuss the relationship to the Rune Bratseth, who was an advocate for laying off the two.

yesterday said Erik Hoftun that he felt dolket in the back of Nils Arne Eggen, after the legendary coach told Adresseavisen that he agreed with the decision to give them expelled. Hoftun called when the Edge to take it up with him. The two have not talked together since, ” says Hoftun.

Nils has meant a lot to me and Bill as a coach over the years. A fantastic trainer through a fantastic period for the club, we are incredibly grateful to have had him as a coach. So was the ending of the trenerjobben we had in Bournemouth not good in the relationship we had to Nils Arne and conversationalist. I have not talked with him since the phone call I had with him last summer, ” says Hoftun.

the Respect is still clearly still present. Bill Ingebrigtsen says he is happy to use the Edge as a mentor also in the future.

I just have to say I agree with what Erik says about the Nils. Now Nils have the opportunity to be healthy and fine again, hope we all now. Definitely, I want to talk with Nils Arne Eggen again. None of us are langsinte or bitter, we realize that people have different opinions. Nils Arne will always have a big place for me and Erik, ” says Ingebrigtsen.

Dagbladet has been in contact with the Edge, who currently do not want to come with more comments, beyond what he said to Adresseavisen.

Keeps settlement secret