African basketball need to have a boost, so that its great potential can be exploited.

It is the leaders in The International Basketballforbund (Fiba) and the organisation behind the strong north american NBA league agree. Therefore, the two parties together to establish a continental league in Africa under the name of the Basketball Ireland League (BAL).

According to the plan, the new league, with 12 participating teams thrown in once in January next year. It grants the NBA commissioner Adam Silver in connection with the NBA’s allstarweekend.

– We have talked about the concept in several months, and there is a great support for it from many owners of NBA clubs. In addition have a large number of partners also indicated that they would like to work with us in Africa.

– the Basketball Africa League is an important step in the development of basketballsporten in Africa, says Adam Silver, according to the AP.

Later years in the it must be decided which of the 12 teams that get a place in the league. Teams from Angola, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, south Africa and Tunisia are expected to participate in a qualifying tournament to play in the league. A maximum of act two teams from the same country in the league.

Global brands such as Pepsi and Nike supports among other things the establishment of the new league. The former u.s. president Barack Obama, who has roots in Kenya, is expected to play a central role in the promotion of the league.

– I hope you know that if you provide a efforts in sports, will be rewarded. I hope that you learn through sport, what it means to be a part of a team.

– Even if you are the best player, it’s not about showing off, but to make his teammates better, says Barack Obama in a video presentation in conjunction with the launch of the BALL.

Ekspræsidentens role in the project is not further defined.

In this season’s troupes in the NBA, there are 13 players who are born in an african country.

Since the 2015 has the NBA settled three matches in Africa. The three matches were played in south Africa and was sold out.

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