women’s team in the soccer meet France in a test Monday of a week.

But first, on Thursday to meet the players on the national team to prepare for the fight, which is played in the French city of Strasbourg.

the Reason is that the women’s team can’t afford to meet before Thursday, writes DR the Sport.

the Money is spent on landsholdsture to Cyprus and the Algarve, tells fodbolddirektøren for Dansk Boldspil-Union (DBU), Peter Møller.

– This is Lars’ decision that the team was going to Cyprus in January and the Algarve in February, and his budget is spent. It is not something I have determined.

– I would really like that the team could be unified in the whole of FIFA-the period, but that’s how it is when you have to prioritize what is most important for the team, and here at Lars best, says Peter Møller to DR Sporten.

the national Team had possession of the players from Monday. Instead, they must prepare landsholdssamlingen in their respective clubs.

The regret national coach Lars Søndergaard, who calls the assessment of how the money was to be used, for the ‘very severe’.

national player Sanne Troelsgaard is tired of the fact that the players can’t train together instead of separately.

– We know well that we came not to this summer’s WORLD cup, and that is precisely why we need to be together and build on, or be left even more behind.

– I do not understand the choice, for it is not particularly professional, says Sanne Troelsgaard.

in Addition to France, Denmark meet England in a test, before it from august go loose with the qualification for the european championship finals in 2021.

Formula 1 – 1. apr. 2019 – at. 16:44 of Amazed Watts: – It is very disturbing