The Cup is not the most important competition for the ZSC Lions . However, as you blamierten in Porrentruy, needs to think but give. They started against Ajoie unfocused and imprecise, and fell apart in the final section even. 3:6 they ultimately lost against the Swiss-League Club in the 2000 spectators filled festival hut Patinoire du Voyeboeuf. So they failed, as of 2017, the Jurassiern – at the time they were in the eighth-final 4:5 in a penalty shoot-out been put.

of Course, it was Ajoies Topduo Devos/Hazen, that brought the native of Canton Jura to victory road: Devos scored in the 5. Minute in the first Powerplay with a well-placed hocheck shot the 1:0 and at the beginning of the final portion of the 3:0, the a little later the fourth and fifth goal followed. Of course, assisted Hazen in Hazen both times to be a congenial Partner. The two Canadians dream of the National League. Against the ZSC, you made the best advertisement for itself.

started in Zurich were almost the best line-up: only the ailing Wick, and the sick Flüeler were missing, so once again, Ortio kept the gate, and Pettersson was a surplus. Because the Lions had missed the Champions League Yes, was granted the Cup in this season is a little more important. But that was not to be considered the ZSC-players.

The favorite is not a negotiated early on with a lot of penalties, had a right against a combative opponent with a strong Goalie: the former Zurich Junior Tim Wolf. Only after they were already hopelessly 0:5 behind, strove for the Lions with a little more vehemence on target and condensed on 2:5. Four minutes before the break, replaced Rikard Grönborg the Goalie by a sixth field player, but the sixth Ajoie-goal by Ryser to the abandoned housing was the decision.

Lakers win at Tomlinson’s return

The SCRJ Lakers made for the From of the title: they worked in the quarter final, was a rematch of the last Finals, in front of 4044 spectators against the EV train a 4:0 (1:0, 2:0, 1:0). This was the perfect frame for a beautiful return. Because Lakers Coach Jeff Tomlinson, the on 24. October had undergone a kidney transplant, for the first Time, back to the gang. The 49-year-old canadian had at 22. October with a win against Biel adopted the donor at the time of surgery in Germany, his brother Darryl was the kidney.

In the meantime, had Niklas Gällstedt the Team. Tomlinson’s Comeback was originally on the 16. November have been planned for this date had, however, proved to be too optimistic. Two championship games had followed the Coach as a quasi adaptation in the coach cabin on the TV, yesterday, he was on the bench his Job, as he’d never been away. And the 3:0 Rowes conjured up even a Smile on his face.

Bern playful leadership in the final third

The SC Bern was once again a way in a defeat that was not mandatory. The start-up phase, belonged clearly to the HC Davos, the SCB survived the first attack waves of the Grisons, and without prejudice to. But the longer, the more the last beleaguered Berner found (it’s now nine defeats in ten Games) in the game, and were also by the early 0:1 in the middle third of the not to be swayed. After two-thirds of the SCB close to the led thanks to a brace from Mark Arcobello even 2:1, balance at the beginning of the final third of the 3:1, as Gregory Sciaroni hit the post.

But: The SCB finds ways to last again and again to negative experiences. Pascal Caminada fired the least intensively debated goalie discussion in Bern, as he was of Benjamin Baumgartner from a tight angle to catch. With the 2:2 the game started from the front, the Momentum was now clearly in the HCD. On the 3:2 by Samuel Guerra, as the entire SCB Block looked defensively poor, had Bern an answer, could save thanks to Arcobellos hat-Trick in the Overtime. These belonged to the HC Davos, and, of all things, Magnus Nygren decided the game with his 4:3-hit. The Swedish defender played after a long injury in his first game of the season.

Curiously, are the same as in 2018 finalists, however, the duels are different: Ajoie is located in Biel, Davos, the Lakers.

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

The broadcast can be heard on Spotify as well as Apple. Or directly here:

Ajoie – ZSC Lions 6:3 (1:0, 1:0, 4:3)

Porrentruy. – 2002 audience. – SR Lemelin/Stricker, Altmann/Schlegel.– goals: 5. Devos (Hauert, Hazen/Exclusion Geering) 1:0. 34. Ryser (Hauert/Exclusions Blind Bacher, Floor Man) 2:0. 43. Devos (Hazen) 3:0. 48. (47:28) Joggi (Privet, Devos/Exclusion Of Brüschweiler) 4:0. 48. (47:58) Joggi (Huber) 5:0. 54. Roe (Suter, Blind Bacher/Exclusions Dotti, Devos) 5:1. 55. Chris Baltisberger (Noreau) 5:2. 57. Ryser 6:2 (into an empty net). 58. Prassl 6:3. – Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against Ajoie, 5 times 2 plus 10 minutes (floor man) against the ZSC Lions.

district: Wolf; Ryser, Pouilly; Prysi, Dotti; Birbaum, Hauert; Macquat, Gfeller; Hazen, Devos, dirt; Huber, Privet, Joggi; Staiger, Frossard, Muller; Thibaudeau, Mäder, Arnold.

ZSC Lions: Ortio; Noreau, Marti; Phil Baltisberger, Geering; Trutmann, Berni; blind Bacher; Suter, Roe, Pedretti; Hollenstein, Krüger, ground man; Chris Baltisberger, Prassl, Diem; Brüschweiler, Schäppi, Simic; Sigrist.

remarks: Ajoie without Pilet (injured) and Casserini (ill), ZSC Lions without a Wick (injured), Flüeler (ill) and Pettersson (excess of foreigners). Latte Shot Of The Floor Man (40.).

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers – Zug 4:0 (1:0, 2:0, 1:0)

4044 viewers. – SR Mollard/Tscherrig, Dreyfus/Obwegeser.– goals: 16. Simek (Kristo) 1:0. 31. Simek (Kristo) 2:0. 39. Rowe (Clark, Cervenka/Exclusion Klingberg) 3:0. 56. Kristo 4:0 (Own Goal Diaz). – Penalties: 5 times 2 minutes against Rapperswil-Jona Lakers, 4 times 2 minutes against the train.

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers: Nyffeler; Egli, Randegger; Vukovic, Schmuckli; Hächler, Maier; Schneeberger, Gurtner; Clark, Cervenka, Forrer; Simek, Rowe, Kristo; Mosimann, Schlagenhauf, weather; Thin, Ness, Rehak.

train: Hollenstein; Stadler, Diaz; Schlumpf, Alatalo; Zryd, Zgraggen; Thiry; Martschini, Kovar, Hofmann; Klingberg, Lindberg, McIntyre; Simion, Leuenberger, Meyer; Langenegger, Albrecht, Zehnder.

remarks: Rapperswil-Jona Lakers without Casutt, Hüsler, Loosli, Profico, Schweri (all injured), Dufner and Wellman (both sick), train without Bachofner, Bougro, Genoni, Kristensen, Morant, Schnyder, Senteler and Thorell (all injured). Post Shots Clark (7.); Hofmann (43.), Martschini (44.), Klingberg (45.).

Davos – Bern 4:3 (0:0, 1:2, 2:1, 1:0) n. V.

2416 viewers. – SR Salonen/Wiegand, Cattaneo/Kovacs.– goals: 21. (20:30) Hischier (Tedenby) 1:0. 28. Arcobello (Ebbett, Under Sander/Exclusion Tedenby) At 1:1. 39. Arcobello (Under-Sander, Spiller) 1:2. 47. Baumgartner (Hischier/Exclusion Arcobello) 2:2. 55. Guerra (Ambühl, Duke) 3:2. 58. Arcobello (Ruefenacht, Moser) 3:3. 63. (62:49) Nygren (Baumgartner, Herzog) 4:3. – Penalties: 1-2 minutes against Davos, 2 times 2 minutes against Bern.

Davos Sandro Aeschlimann; Kienzle, Young; Nygren, Paschoud; Stoop, Guerra; Barandun; Baumgartner, Lindgren, Palushaj; Hischier, Corvi, Tedenby; Dino Wieser, Ambühl, Duke; Frehner, Bader, Eggenberger; Canova.

Bern: Caminada; Andersson, MacDonald; Burren, Blum; bottom sander, Colin Gerber; Henauer; Ruefenacht, Arcobello, Moser; Praplan, Mursak, Ebbett; Sciaroni, home, Scherwey; Spiller, Berger, Fighting; Jeremi Gerber.

remarks: Davos without Buchli, Kortin. Marc Wieser (all injured), Marc Aeschlimann (sick), Du Bois (surplus) and Rantakari (excess of foreigners), Bern without Bieber, Beat Gerber, Grassi, Krueger and Pestoni (all injured). – Early first third of the break after 16 minutes and 57 seconds. Timeout Davos (59:17). Post Shots: Baumgartner (57./Latte); Sciaroni (43.). (sg/jch/kk)

Created: 26.11.2019, 22:17 PM