The Italian Elena Curtoni, injured in the sacrum since a fall in early December in St-Moritz (Switzerland), has decided to end her season in the Alpine Ski World Cup, she announced on Thursday.

“Healing is taking longer than expected,” she explained in a statement from the Italian Winter Sports Federation (FISI).

“We don’t want to force things, but approach the preparation for the next season by being completely up to date physically,” added Curtoni, who has won three World Cup events in his career and who finished last season at 9th in the world.

The Italian, aged 33, joins an already large group of skiers who have ended their season prematurely due to injury.

Several big names in the discipline were seriously injured this winter, such as her compatriot Sofia Goggia, the Slovakian Petra Vlhova, the Swiss Corinne Suter, the Austrian Nina Ortlieb and, among the men, the Norwegian Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, the Frenchman Alexis Pinturault or the Austrian Marco Schwarz.