At the helm of Maxi Edmond de Rothschild, Charles Caudrelier continues his solo journey in the North Atlantic. The skipper was only 1,527 miles from Brest where the arrival point for this Tuesday at midday is located.

Two options are possible for the end of his world tour. Currently south of the Azores archipelago, it could cross the finish line if it manages to get ahead of a large depression expected in the Bay of Biscay. If he decides to delay by taking no risks with his boat, his triumph could be delayed by at least forty-eight hours with a crossing of the line planned for Monday. A decision should be made before Wednesday morning, race management said.

Also read Sailing: final stretch of all the dangers for Charles Caudrelier

Whatever his choice, Charles Caudrelier has plenty of room and a very comfortable lead over his pursuers. Thomas Coville (Sodebo) clocked in at 12:00 p.m. this Tuesday at 2059 miles, almost three days of sailing, while Banque Populaire d’Armel Le Cléac’h, who left after another technical stopover in Rio de Janeiro to repair a double damage, was behind schedule. of 3049 miles.

Also read: “Crashing obsesses me and I clench my buttocks at every strange noise,” confides Charles Caudrelier to Le Figaro

Anthony Marchand (4th at 5757 miles) is about to pass Cape Horn. The crossing should take place this Tuesday. For Eric Péron (Adagio, 5th at 6199 miles), we will have to wait a little longer to switch to the North Atlantic.