bursts into the Midst of the conformist bleakness of a short video App called Tiktok, behind the byte-dance is, currently the most valuable Start-up in the world. Tiktok brings the ease back into the grid?

Michael Moorstedt

In the digital world, it is increasingly uniform. It is no coincidence that there are now Instagram-Accounts insta_repeat, to the similar motives of other users of a mosaic of mass culture. Here you can see dozens of photos, which are hardly distinguishable from each other. Whether pastel table pads, feet peaks on the sandy beach or dramatic poses on high mountain – everything is already there. Individualism just doesn’t work, especially if its expressions terms in an easily indexable search, such as #travel, #goodlife, or #whereiwokeup.

in the conformist desolation bursts now Tiktok, a short-video App, the rolls since last summer, the App Stores of the world from the rear. A couple of Hundred million Times the program is downloaded in the meantime. Active users are there but significantly less. The App works similar to this some time ago, Twitter discontinued the Video project Vine, a bit of Snapchat, is included in the formula, at least offer users a variety of editing functions and Filters to your movies.


You do not need to like the short film. Nevertheless, they are refreshing. Maybe just because it is not found here all that has made a commercially available social network in the past few years so difficult. There are neither tailored to the individual user content or Intrusive advertising and sponsored posts, it is also not a blog to be shared items with the take on one side or the other of the political spectrum. Hate Posts filled, it looks as rare as Influencer and promote some obscure product, and the call still work.

in other words: Tiktok would be a small digital Paradise – if there are users which are older than twenty. According to Playground-like atmosphere, a few omitted embarrassed to be there. The users show dance choreography to the latest Hits, perform magic tricks or provide a small Slapstick-deposits, and you’re sitting in front of it, and ashamed of debt.

The New York Times wrote last statement, Tiktok bring the “fun back in social media”. How to do it with the Portal, is difficult to say. The business model is at least unclear, help like that behind the App, the Chinese firm byte dance, with a value of more than $ 100 billion currently as the most valuable Start-up in the world. The best sign that it’s here, but a Portal could be, the potential for more, however, in the case of the competition: Facebook has launched a couple of weeks ago his own Tiktok-clone.