Like Bourg-en-Bresse on Tuesday, Paris Basketball qualified for the semi-finals of the Eurocup on Thursday, defeating the Spaniards of Badalone at home (86-70).

The Parisians, looking for a first continental title after winning the Leaders Cup (first trophy in their young history) in mid-February, will face the London Lions in the semi-finals from March 28 in a best-of-breed series. of the three matches, with home advantage.

Bourg-en-Bresse (winner of the Ukrainians of Prometey BC 95 to 82) will be opposed to the Turks of Besiktas, with also a possible support match at home.

They took three good quarters to get rid of the Catalans whom they met for the third time after having crossed their path twice in the groups, in the controversy – Nadir Hifi claimed to have been a victim, during the match in Spain, monkey cries from the audience.

In their Arena at Porte de la Chapelle, they outdistanced Badalone by inflicting a 16-3 to end the third quarter (62-48), boosted by Finnish power forward Mikael Jantunen (12 pts and 6 rebounds ) and American leader TJ Shorts (21 pts and 9 assists. Hifi, lacking success behind the arc (15 pts at 2/9), then sealed the success with a prize-winning shot giving a 15-length lead 2 min 30 sec from the end.