what Are headphones? Or do a portable speaker Bluetooth? Bose SoundWear Companion is a device designed for listening to music, and that is situated half-way between the two: it has the shape of a horseshoe, is placed around the neck and on the shoulders, playing the sound through a set of speakers located in its interior.

During the last three weeks has accompanied us in the household chores, in the office and (sometimes) also when walking down the street or in public transport. Does the conclusion? Sounds very good, but is not suitable for any situation.

Analysis and evaluation

Despite what may seem to the naked eye, wearing this device on the shoulders, it is not uncomfortable at all. With 260 grams of weight, in just a few minutes you forget you’re wearing it; a feeling that stays for hours. This is a considerable help in its design, with a superb finish in which the materials are protagonists: steel wire coated of silicone medical grade. It is very pleasant to the touch and, in addition, flexible.

learn MORE Bose Speaker Soundwear Companion, available in The English Court

The exterior comes protected with a thin sheath of black color (it is possible to purchase other different colors) acoustically transparent, i.e., does not interfere with the sound. Nor does it produce static electricity, it is resistant to rain, sweat and sun and can be wash, ideal to always keep as new.

the design of The Bose SoundWear Companion has direct consequences on its operation: at its ends there are two speakers facing up and toward the ears, in such a way that the sound is directed directly toward them. As a supplement, has been provided a technology that guides the waves along all its surface, causing a sensation similar to being surrounded by all parts of speakers direct the music towards you. So much so that, although the people situated around still listening to it, does so at a volume much lower. If you are behind, you only perceive a murmur.

own Application Tab technique

Battery : Up to 12 hours of battery life, charging time of 3 hours

Size : 19 x 17.8 x 4.4 cm

Weight : 260 g

Connections : microUSB, Bluetooth

Other : Resistant to sweat and water, connection to two devices simultaneously via Bluetooth

The first step to start using the Bose SoundWear Companion is to install the app Bose Connect in your smartphone, compatible with iOS and Android and is available in Spanish. From her, it is applicable to the pairing of both teams and the customization of the settings.

once the configuration is possible to play all type of audio content from any app installed on the mobile phone: the player of the terminal, Spotify, YouTube… The control, in addition, can be performed from the own SoundWear, which incorporates a variety of physical controls. Thus, in the left side has the on / off button and the Bluetooth connection, while on the right are specific to raise and lower the volume and another multifunction. In it, a touch starts or stops playback (or responds to incoming calls, since it also serves as a hands-free, two-touch jump to the next song, three shrink back to the previous one, and a long press starts the intelligent assistant mobile.

The experience of use can only be defined with one word: great. It is very similar to that which we can get with a headset high-end but, at the same time, Matadorbet very different (richer) than with a portable loudspeaker. The audio delivered by the device is deep and spacious, with full-bodied bass even at low volumes and treble is very defined, and nothing strident. Is the only problem? The eq is designed to keep the head straight on and when you turn, you note a loss of quality in the sound.

autonomy extends to about 10 hours, depending on the volume at which you use it. Bose

as to the results during its use as a hands-free device, nothing to object to. It sounds very clear and the speaker also perceives the voice with total sharpness.

Their autonomy extends to about 10 hours, depending on the volume at which we use it, and your recharge is done through a microUSB port. We would have liked to find one type C, already standard in the industry. In addition, and although the full charge of its battery provides three hours of battery life, includes being able to support fast charging, getting up to three hours duration with 15 minutes plugged in to the outlet. The charger does not come included in the package.

Where do I use it?

As we move forward in the beginning, Bose SoundWear Companion is a product that is very peculiar and can’t be used as headphones or a portable speaker. Therefore, it is suitable only for listening to music individually and, what is more advisable, in private. And is that to use it on the street or on public transport supposed to disturb other people —that’s not counting that the whole world is watching—.

During our testing, we have found it useful at home, during housework, and, especially, in the kitchen. Similarly, it could be an interesting option to work if there are no teammates nearby; a situation in which the headset end up being annoying. If you have wondered if it is appropriate for the games, the answer is no: there is a certain delay between audio and video, which is perceived especially in those titles that must be synchronized.

The best, the worst and conclusion

best: Is very convenient to use, the exterior has a luscious finish and offers a different experience to everything that we had tested until now.

What’s worst: is Not practical in some situations (especially in public) and has a high price.

Conclusion : Despite the fact that its use is not recommended in some places because it may annoy, this sound system offers you a super quality and an experience that has nothing to do to the headphones and speakers.


Bose Soundwear Companion. Speakers of 260 g in weight, up to 12 hours of battery life with three hours of charging. Connections blueetooth and microUSB.

Purchase for 299€ at El Corte Inglés

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