Cybercrimes are the crimes that have increased the most in Spain in 2023 to the point that they represent almost 20% of all criminal offenses committed last year, according to the crime balance published by the Ministry of the Interior.

Interior data reveal that crime increased in Spain by 5.9% in 2023, driven by the rise in cybercrime, which was 25.5%, but also by crimes against sexual freedom, with a 15% increase.

According to the 2023 crime balance, the year closed with 2,459,659 criminal offenses, of which 1,989,271 correspond to conventional crime (2.1% more than in 2022) and 470,388 are cybercrimes, 19.1% of all crimes committed last year.

Of these cybercrimes, 90% are fraud or computer scams, which grew by 27% compared to the previous year. They are followed far behind by threats and coercion committed through the Internet, crimes against honor, industrial and intellectual property, and data and system interference.

Interior highlights that computer scams have increased by 508% in just eight years, given that in 2016 only 70,178 were registered and they represented less than 5% of all crimes.

Precisely, the National Police arrested 25 people last week in Madrid for allegedly defrauding Social Security of more than four million euros with the capitalization of unemployment benefits. Among those detained were four officials (one from the SEPE and three from the Community of Madrid) and four employees of banking entities.

Also significant is the increase in drug trafficking (9.5%) and known crimes against sexual freedom, an increase that the Interior links to a greater willingness of victims to report. In total, 19,981 crimes against sexual freedom were committed last year, of which 4,875 were assaults with penetration, 14.2% more than in 2022.

In 2023, 336 murders were recorded (3.1% more), 1,349 attempted murders (11.2% more) and 27,413 serious and less serious crimes of injuries and riots (3.7% more). In addition, there were 122 kidnappings, 45.2% more than in 2002, the year in which 84 were recorded.

Crimes against property, which represent close to half of conventional crime, also increased by 3% in the year to a total of 883,419. Of these, 64,785 were robberies with violence or intimidation (2.2% more than the previous year) and 122,444 robberies with force at homes, establishments and other facilities (1.2% more).

However, those committed in homes decreased by 2.4% (84,446 events in 2023 compared to 86,515 in 2022) and are the only crimes that decreased last year.

Thefts increased by 3.3%, to 663,370 cases, and vehicle thefts increased by 6.7% to 32,820 cases.

Among the autonomous communities in which crime has been reduced in their territory with respect to the year 2022, are Aragón (-3.6%), the Balearic Islands (-0.2%), Cantabria (-3.4%), Castilla y León (-3.1%), Castilla-La Mancha (-1.4%), Galicia (-1.2%), Community of Madrid (-1.5%), Basque Country (-1.1 %), Ceuta (-10.5%) and Melilla (-7.9%).

On the opposite side, the communities in which crime has increased are Andalusia (3.1%), Asturias (7.4%), the Canary Islands (6%), Catalonia (5.6%), Valencian Community (3. 9%), Extremadura (7.8%), Murcia (3%), Navarra (1.4%) and La Rioja (5%).

The statistics published by the Interior collect the data provided by the National Police, the Civil Guard, the regional security forces and various local bodies.