Whatsapp Youtube and Facebook –, 2018, the most widely used Social Media platforms Switzerland. The newcomers are Instagram and Snapchat, on the descending Branch Twitter and business contacts, Portal Xing sit.

“The two stalwarts Facebook and the Youtube video platform have long reached a critical mass, and play in a League for themselves,” says Sam Steiner, co-founder of the Zurich Social-Media-Agency Convertable. He knows the Social Media market and, since 2012, an annual ranking with the current user numbers for Switzerland.

Steiner is one for Facebook “for the past four years, stagnant for about four million users”. This means that every second inhabitant, including children and seniors log in at least once in a month in his Facebook Account. However, the influence of the largest social platform fades. She was visited in the last year for the first time less frequently, such as the online Agency Xeit in its annual Social Media report.

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at the same time, there are significantly more interactions with other Apps, which are also part of Zuckerberg’s Empire: Instagram and Whatsapp. Both purchased by the Facebook CEO in the last few years and is so enormously wide. Hardly anyone comes over to “Zuck”. The Messenger Whatsapp is the undisputed number one, and an end to the uptrend is not in sight; the photo-sharing platform Instagram was able to increase the user community in the last year, from 1.8 to an impressive 2.5 million.

And Google? The Internet giant has in 2006 bought Youtube a trump card in the Social Web, which stands out more than ever before. The platform benefits from the General system of Video-euphoria; around a third of the survey participants used according to the Xeit more often than 2017. Less successful was the Facebook-clone, Google+, pronounced dead – but – multi- persistent.

Such numbers of users and the lists that decide in companies where the flow of advertising funds. Their significance is, however, increasingly challenged. Reason, the “Dark Social”: the place in the Web, to the bright lights of the advertisers not to go.

it owes Its name to the journalist Alexis Madrigal, of the described in the US magazine “The Atlantic” in 2012, with the term for the first time, that part of the data traffic that is not for outsiders to visible and hardly measurable. Because the visitor is not on public platforms like Facebook or Twitter to it, not via a Google search or a linked Website. But on closed environments: the Youtube Video is called a in Whatsapp shared a Link. Or via a private message in the Messenger, a Link in an E-Mail or a SMS. The site owners can then keep track of who is behind the visitor and where he comes from. For them, he remains virtually anonymous.

The phenomenon is not new, but its share is growing rapidly. The Analytics company RadiumOne, today RhythmOne, is estimated to be a proud 85 percent. And while the use of Messaging Apps such as Whatsapp are increasing, according to statistics portal, Statista, worldwide, the number of public interactions on Facebook and Twitter is declining dramatically.

A response to bullying and Fake News

this is unlikely to change in the future. In particular, since young people are also driving this change in the shadow world. They are especially in this, where you can determine who is in and who is out. Most often you need Whatsapp, Instagram and Snapchat, while Facebook is losing its importance, as shown by the James study, the Zurich University of applied Sciences. With Instagram Accounts, according to the Xeit Director Andrea Iltgen to be switched more frequently to Private.

Therefore, advertisers, companies and social media next year, more than ever to reconsider your business model. Why advertising budgets to invest in Facebook, and co., if the user only pay a fraction of the actual data traffic?

What, however, is bad for the advertising industry, must not be bad for the users. The German Blogger and mirror columnist Sascha Lobo interprets the current increase of the Dark Social as a “big digital retreat into the Private”. He holds him for a symptomatic, because the people had tired of the social Public, of invective, slander and Fake News. Lobo: “So, how public social media is at the Moment functioning – or, rather, not work, appears the escape into the Private sphere, for many people, as provisional best solution.”

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 30.12.2018, 00:07 PM