This is clearly the gesture, the action of the evening. Wednesday evening, during Dortmund-PSG, in the 17th minute of play, Niklas Süle made an incredible save on a strike from Kylian Mbappé, who had eliminated Borussia goalkeeper Gregor Kobel before shooting into the empty goal. In the rush, the German defender intervened with great determination to tackle the ball at the last minute and save his team. At the end of the meeting, which ended in a draw between the two teams, the former Bayern Munich player reacted to his breathtaking gesture.

“I think I can defend better up front. Of course it’s spectacular, you all got a glimpse of my crotch. I raise my foot reflexively, but I think we have to stop Mbappé first because he is known for his speed. We knew there would be times when we would have to play 1v1s. We wanted to appear brave in front of our fans. We pressed very aggressively and even forced Paris to play one or two long balls. Of course, not everything was great, but overall it was a very courageous performance,” said Süle.

This save was also recognized by the coach of the Yellow and Black, Edin Terzic, impressed by the action of his defender. “This is a perfect example. We appreciate every tackle like this, it’s incredible. If you make a mistake like that before, you can make a tackle like that. I think Mbappé was very shocked that he did it. The ball had not returned. It was like a goal for us.” Partly thanks to the decisive intervention of Süle, Dortmund resisted the assaults of the capital club and finished first in the “group of death”, ahead of the Parisians. The Ruhr club should inherit an opponent within their reach on Monday in the draw for the round of 16 of the Champions League. PSG could meet Bayern Munich, Manchester City or even Real Madrid.