Duchess Meghan have to follow the same diet as any other royal. The diet also includes a few, rather special ban.

Story has been published for the first time in July 2017.

Prince Harry with married Meghan Markle, the current duchess Meghan had at court when they joined the bend will also be a few, ordinary people point of view quite sad etiquette rule. Meghan does not, for example, no longer occur without the stockings, and the duchess’s fingertips come to see in the future as the nuden from the color stops.

Labels are by no means the end only the duchess’s outward appearance, but restrictions have been set also to what he put in his mouth. One of the many mind of the creepy rule applies to garlic consumption – all garlic-containing food is now prohibited, so the pizza or pasta are this considerably since the usual mauttomampia.

– We can never offer anything, where is the garlic or the abundance of onions. The queen never offers any garlic-rich, hovikokki Darren McGrady told the british newspaper Express.

the Reason for the queen to determine the garlic prohibition lies probably in the fact that too much garlic can often breath to smell quite bad, and evil smelling hengityshän is in any case not very royal.

And if the garlic is not enough, need the duchess also said no thanks to shellfish or volcano food – are the above well-known stomach I messed up sticking influence. Also, tap water drinking is in the royal circles prohibited.

But what brittihovi then eaten? McGrady has told CNN in an interview that the queen favours the healthy, salad-, vegetable – and fish-rich diet. He doesn’t willingly eat the potato or pasta kind of starchy foods, and bread he wants to offer a without edges. The queen is known to be also partial to chocolate.

however, it Is good to clarify that the queen-defined prohibitions apply only to representation in the conferences. When he was free Meghan can still enjoy, say, a garlic dip with seafood, tap water ride son, the fingertips of all the rainbow colors painted on it.

the Duchess Meghan no longer get to enjoy the seafood, garlic or tap water. AOP