Scorer in the 69th minute and taking over a cross from Ivan Cavaleiro, the Canadian center forward shook the net for the first time… before an offside position from his decisive passer deprived him of a prolonged joy. Revengeful and still as well positioned, he was not discouraged to offer his team qualification this time in overtime (108th). Quite discreet in the game, his instinct as a scorer and fox of the surfaces made the decision in a very badly embarked meeting.

An elimination of the northern club would not only have been a personal but a national failure. Threatened by that of the Netherlands, the French UEFA index remains in front and for the moment still allows French clubs to be able to claim to place four clubs in the Champions League during the 2025-26 season, something already acquired for next season ( 202425). An additional club could have the opportunity to play the Europa League Conference if necessary, which is why even if the content was not there, the result is fully satisfactory for French football.


If Ivan Cavaleiro was one of the most dangerous this evening, the same cannot be said of Edon Zhegrova or Rémy Cabella. Zhegrova, who made a very good cross for Cavaleiro on David’s first goal (69th) refused after video review, was far too little influential in the game, he who had nevertheless been a scorer in the first leg. He was even guilty of a gross and unnecessary fault allowing the opening of the score of the Croats of Smolcic (57th). The former Marseille and Montpellier player was practically invisible, both offensively and defensively, his contribution was minimal, although he is often well inspired in Ligue 1.

The qualification is very satisfactory, but the performance very worrying. Dulled physically, Lille showed almost nothing during the whole game. If Rijeka did not necessarily impress, Lille was sometimes almost painful to see. Far too many faults (40 in total, 17 for Losc), very little movement, calls, stalls, desire and commitment to duels, the northern troops did not really put the ingredients for win and qualify. It is quite possible that against a superior opponent in Rijeka, the result would have been different.