The Imola drama of May 1, 1993 left its mark on the French. Thirty years after his tragic death, the disappearance of Ayrton Senna is still very present in people’s minds: 8 out of 10 French people remember or have heard about it. And the Brazilian is the 2nd best driver in the history of F1 for 17% of French people, behind MichaĆ«l Schumacher (32%) and ahead of Alain Prost (16%). 76% of F1 fans also consider his rivalry with Alain Prost as the greatest rivalry in the discipline and 69% as one of the greatest in the history of sport. 90% of F1 fans consider that this event has strengthened driver safety. Finally, among the developments of the last 30 years, those surveyed consider that the most useful for driver safety have been the HANS system (45%), the standards stricter crash tests (36%) and rework of circuits (34%)