With this great success, has the French XV come out of its delicate post-World Cup period? Fabien GALTHIÉ. – We first had to get through this difficult period. We were not satisfied with our match against Italy, with our start to the Tournament. To remedy this, we had several areas of work: content, organization, but also finding physical and psychological freshness. The week off also contributed. We managed to find momentum again, like the very good finishers today. We had to move forward. But we are still in this difficult period, even if I see the glass as full rather than empty. This will make us grow even more for the future. We all realize what we can do better. It’s an interesting time in the vision we have for 2027.

How did you find your unique Le Garrec-Ramos hinge? It depends on what is happening in front of and behind it. In front, they made her very comfortable. Nolann Le Garrec’s premiere? His chistera passed, we looked at the Welshman who was trying to intercept the ball that was flying (laughs)… He was always facing the game, just offensively. It was released as the water flowed. With extras, his defensive withdrawals or his presence in the corridors where he fought. He is one of the players who stood up today. He was very present.

Have you been satisfied with the contribution of the young players? I will first congratulate the young players on their first cap, yes. But I will also have a word for those who have built extraordinary rugby for four years. They are not here today because they are injured or need to regenerate. Many of them have played more than 30 matches in a year. And it doesn’t pass… They regenerate to come back with us. In the meantime, these are opportunities for young people. We feel that they are still a little surprised, but not too much. And they bring their talent to us.

What will be at stake in the last match of this Tournament against England, next Saturday in Lyon? Just stating the title has said it all. It’s France-England, in the Six Nations Tournament, it’s the last match. That sets the stakes for us. In France, too. It’s a special tournament for us but everything remains possible. We must finish at the same tempo, the same intensity as today.

Comments collected at a press conference