From Groupama Stadium to the LDLC Arena, there is only one step. In an interview for Europe 1, Jean-Michel Aulas announced that he was a candidate for the purchase of the sports hall for which he had participated in building. During a recorded interview which will be broadcast on Saturday, the historic former president of OL explains: “It is not only one of the most beautiful halls in Europe in terms of concerts, basketball and event achievement, but it is also an incredible achievement that we had made on the environmental level with the president of the Urban Community, confided Aulas. We therefore decided to apply for the acquisition of this room.

The annual profits from this room – owned by OL Group and John Textor – have been estimated at between 10 and 15 million euros. And in this case, “JMA” is not the only candidate since Tony Parker, the majority shareholder and president of the Asvel club, declared last October that he was interested in buying the room. Regardless of the buyer, the room should remain in the Lyon ecosystem.