The European champions have not lost control: for its return to the field a month and a half after its coronation in Germany, the French handball team largely won its two friendlies on the program in Montpellier, victorious in the Egypt on Saturday (39-31) two days after dominating Argentina (32-23).

The success acquired on Saturday, although shorter, was more convincing than that against the South Americans, more limited than the African champions, candidates for the Olympic podium in a little less than five months in Paris.

Leading by three lengths at half-time (18-15), the Olympic and European champions then produced 20 minutes of high flying, particularly in defense, before loosening their grip a little once the big victory in the poached.

“It was our intention to have a better match than against Argentina, where we had too many turnovers. We raised the slider” appreciated on the microphone of BeIn Sports Ludovic Fabregas, captain this week in the absence of Luka Karabatic, injured. Two victories without trembling in two matches, the return of Vincent Gérard – who started on Saturday – after a year away from the Blues (pubalgia): coach Guillaume Gille said he was satisfied with this week in Hérault.

“This match closes a very good week, not easy to approach when we see the program for 45 days for the boys (Euro final on January 28, Editor’s note), who had to come down from their little cloud while everyone brings back here to the Euro and get back to business as usual at their club. In the middle of all that, to have two matches of this quality and with absentees, it’s very pleasing,” said “Gino” Gille.

The coach, deprived for these two matches of Nikola Karabatic, Samir Bellahcene and Nicolas Tournat in addition to Luka Karabatic, was also able to appreciate the performance against the Egyptians of right-back Timothey Nguessan, in difficulty during the Euro.

“It’s nice to score goals, I felt good, I feel good physically, I’m very happy. I didn’t play much in the European Championship but the players in my position played very well,” declared the FC Barcelona player. “I’m enjoying it, I’m happy to be a player on the France team, every time I come back I will give my best. I would give everything to be at the Olympics, but there is strong competition,” he added.

He will once again try to shake up the hierarchy during the Blues’ next preparation match, on May 11 against an opponent yet to be determined.