Montpellier Handball outclassed the Slovenians from Celje (32-21) on Wednesday during the 11th day of the Champions League in Hérault. The MHB almost holds its place in the final phase of C1: a victory in Poland in Plock next Wednesday would seal it before two final delicate matches against Veszprem then Barcelona to conclude the group phase.

Thanks to GOG’s defeat against Barça (30-23), the Héraultais are two points ahead of the Danes, in addition to the advantage in specific confrontations. Patrice Canayer’s men can therefore covet fourth place in their group B, offering them a return match of the play-offs at home.

Two European champions with the Blues proved valuable against Celje: captain Valentin Porte, author of six goals (in eight attempts), and goalkeeper Rémi Desbonnet, multiplying the saves (13 saves, 41%).