“Will my Google account be deleted?”, “How can I prevent my Google account is deleted?” or “Is this email a Scam?”

these and similar assistance started to pile up last week, calling from my private environment. Even the own mother, which gets by thanks to an iPad, with virtually no Techsupport for my part, did not know.

Google’s Legacy

What had happened? All you had to attempt the same Mail from Google (not a Scam!) get. The Mail comes from the Google+Team, and in the title is: “Your personal Google+ account is 2. April 2019 deleted.”

Who deals day in and day out with technology, know immediately what it is. Google does not Google accounts, but only be failed, and after several security vulnerabilities are uncertain become a social network called Google+.

a Lot of resources with little success

in 2011, as a Facebook competitor planned, and with almost unlimited internal resources equipped service, with great advertising fanfare presented. A couple of new features were impressive, but a Facebook-competitor, Google+ never.

Finally, you also lost in the case of Google, the hope, and the service has been unbundled. So, for example, Google photos has an independent and very successful service.


as A result of the Google+Cockiness of the first years was that not only the interested Users and users included in the social network, but also totally disinterested, as my mother, who actually were only interested in Google’s E-Mail service.

And that’s why you – and many other Google-Users-now this Mail informs you that a service that never has logged in, and never has used, is set.

The Plus makes all the difference

As it would be for a world group already embarrassing enough, revenge is now the Name of the social network. Who do not look closely, it looks only to Google. The Plus sign at the end of the Name to be overlooked. Just when you the importance of not aware.

You may now say, who reads only the sender and the title of a mail, whether your own fault. However, even if one reads the whole E-Mail, as a layman, not smarter. It is a Prime example of how one should, as a technology group with its Users deal with it.

very helpful

Not Once explains what Google+ is, or was. And certainly not that the other Google services of the deletion are not affected. It is assumed that each Google+ knows. Comes to this: The Link that promises more of the Details, leads to an English-speaking Blog article.

That Google is cleaning up with out-of-favor of the fallen services, such as Google Reader, Hangouts, and Inbox unzimperlich is well known, and that you would like to get rid of Google+ as quickly as possible, is very well understood. But a little more tact wouldn’t have even hurt more. (Tages-Anzeiger.ch/Newsnet)

Created: 12.02.2019, 07:05 PM