Today, the EU countries vote for the last Time about the copyright reform. Image of the enemy, the opponent, the CDU-politician, Axel Voss. A conversation about the escalated dispute about the Internet.

Interview of Karoline Meta Beisel, Brussels Karoline Meta Beisel

Karoline Meta Beisel was born in Aachen, Germany. After graduating from high school in Naumburg on the Saale, studied in Hamburg and Madrid law school. As in, you worked referenced, among other things, the Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development, and in the case of Amnesty International in Berlin as well as at the OECD-representation of the foreign office in Paris. After the Second state exam she was trained at the Deutsche journalistenschule in Munich for the editor. Since 2011 she writes for the Süddeutsche Zeitung

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The “Directive on copyright in the digital single market” is probably the most controversial act of the outgoing legislature of the EU Parliament. This is especially true for the regulation of Internet platforms such as Youtube in the future, should be liable when users upload copyright-protected content on the page. Critics fear that platforms are protected with so-called upload filter against this liability and in case of doubt, rather generously might block than to take the risk of liability. A loss for freedom of expression, the result would be the argument.

On Monday, the member States of the European Union for the last Time on the controversial Reform. Actually, this step in the legislative process is rather a matter of form. Some member States have, however, already announced to want to against the Reform votes. The members of the European Parliament, Axel Voss (CDU), 56, Bonn, Germany, is the Rapporteur of the European Parliament, for many opponents of the Reform he has become a hate figure.

the Interview in the Morning

This Interview series is devoted to current topics, and is published from Monday to Friday, at the latest at 7.30 am on All of the Interviews here.

On Monday vote by the member States for the last Time about the copyright reform. They believe that the Reform could fail?

this is Possible already. But I guess from a majority for the Reform.

Quite convinced you don’t sound.

no, the topic is much too emotional.

you have been appointed the European Parliament’s Rapporteur for the Reform, did you expect as that the law would be so controversial?

not at All, the development has surprised me very much.

Why do you think the dispute is escalated.

it started with an old version of the draft law, the technical measures were “” explicitly in it, and there was a first wave of protest. We have changed the Text for the vote in plenary, and this part taken out, but the critics have still said, without the upload filter it will not go anyway. To not more this time, so last summer, you saw the realities.

What realities do you mean?

that Youtube is working already for ten years, with a recognition software. But it is also a systemic Problem: If you want to protect the copyright, but at the same time users want to allow every Minute to upload 400 hours of video material, then there is practically no other way than such technical measures.

filter it Is, in their view, therefore, no Alternative to the controversial Upload?

But of course. The legislature could develop at the national level licensing models. And if you have a smaller platform, you can also check manually what is uploaded. In mass this does not work. This is the difference I can in the heated debate but it’s not at all explain, and certainly not against the misinformation campaign from Youtube.

you mean the call of Youtube Boss Susan Wojcicki from November to protest against the Reform?

Yes, the initial spark was. Thus, the Protest has landed in the “children’s rooms”, with the 12 – to 25-Year-old, all had the feeling: “Oh, my centre of life is in danger, I have to upset me now.”

But it is criticise not the only Youtuber in the Reform, but also lawyers, civil rights activists, or other parties. In addition, several European member States want to vote on Monday against the Reform. You actually believe that all of Google, the parent company, have been instrumentalised from Youtube?

When the parties and citizens are not learning, not necessarily right, no. But I think that most of the critics have not dealt with the Problem in terms of content enough.

The demonstrators also wanted to prove that they are not purchased “Bots”, as well as colleagues of them had.

I can understand that the emotional has generated opposition. And of course, the people who went on the road, no Bots. But if you get in two weeks, 60 000 E-Mails and then try to contact with some of them in contact and there is no response, then you can not also out of Hand that there is not always real people behind all these names. Because you could come to the idea that this was all processed in a structured way. It was also said in an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

In a guest post by a writer who earns his money with the Tracking of copyright infringement. In addition, some of his claims were later revoked.

what is described by the author, appeared to me quite plausible. The article that lays out his Thesis, I do not know.

The Organisation, Corporate Europe has analyzed the lobbying activities in the context of the copyright reform, and established publishers and collecting societies were in the lobby working a lot more active than Google.

I complained during the legislative process, it’s about the fact that the platforms have not introduced the legislation actually does with their own proposals. From this I can draw only two conclusions: Either the exclusively set on the excitement that you generate through the YouTube campaign. Or not to Finance government organizations that make then strong for freedom of expression, but, ultimately, the interests of the platforms in the hands of play.

your colleague, Helga Trüpel of the Green party and advocate of Reform to addiction in the social media conversation with their critics. You don’t. Why not?

At the beginning I tried the. But at some point, a Phase in which it has made on the real Problem at all, no more thoughts and me as just a Person wanted to discredit came from.

is it True that you got death threats?

Yes. That’s why the state police.

you are standing again for the European Parliament. They are afraid of the Backlash for you personally or for your party?

In my constituency are at least going to ruin my posters more than the other. May be that some young people do not want to choose the party now, maybe. Who is more CDU calls “but” Never, not understood the System of the European legislation Without a majority in the other groups the Reform would not have succeeded.