A juicy contract for Ligue 1? Shortly after announcing the probable arrival of McDonald’s as official sponsor of Ligue 1, replacing Uber Eats, RMC Sport provided, this Wednesday, details concerning the “naming” contract which could unite the French first division and the fast food company for the coming seasons. And we might as well say that this would be good news for the French elite: “Last time, I said that (it was) €20 million per year but it’s €30 per year. This is a monumental contract. Uber had risen to 19. It’s an incredible contract for Ligue 1,” explained Daniel Riolo, in After Foot.

According to the flagship editorialist of RMC Sport, this offer – which would have arrived directly on the desk of Vincent Labrune, the president of the LFP – was (completely) unexpected. Ligue 1 had also reached an oral agreement with Uber Eats to continue their “partnership”. However, in the meantime, the situation has evolved. “The agency that manages McDonald’s is Publicis, whose boss, Mr. Sadoun, is very close to Macron. There was pressure on this partner with a lot of compensation that will be given to McDonald’s but I don’t have the content,” assured Daniel Riolo. Still according to the latter, the signing of the contract should take place around “March 20”.

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As a reminder, McDonald’s did not wish to comment on these assertions: “We do not comment on rumors or the associated amounts. As a privileged partner of amateur sport, and football in particular, we are naturally particularly solicited and attentive to opportunities to support French sport,” reacted the American multinational to Le Figaro.