The goalkeeper of Lille and the French Espoirs team Lucas Chevalier, who will play in the Olympic Games in two and a half months, came out with a knee injury during the match against Nantes, for the 33rd day of Ligue 1 , Sunday. On a fairly innocuous aerial intervention, at the end of the match, Chevalier seemed to twist his knee on his reception.

When the doctors rushed to treat him, the goalkeeper seemed very upset and insisted on resuming the game, before giving up a few seconds later and being replaced when regulation time had just ended.

Chevalier had until then made two very good saves in front of Matthis Abline (63rd) and Bénie Traoré (85th) to preserve the advantage of his team which won (2-1), and took a big step towards the League champions by taking 3rd place in the ranking in Brest before the last day.