The Girondins supporter arrested in June for the attack on a player during the chaotic Bordeaux-Rodez match in Ligue 2 is being tried on Monday in criminal court for “premeditated violence” and breaking into a competition area.

Before the Bordeaux court from 2:00 p.m., this forty-year-old will have to explain himself, six months after having caused the interruption of this match on the last day of the 2022-2023 financial year, then decisive for a return to Ligue 1 of his club, ultimately condemned to stay in L2 this season.

He is accused of having come down from the stand of the Matmut Atlantique stadium after the opening score and of having jostled the Rodez scorer Lucas Buades, leading to the definitive end of the match after 22 minutes of play. The player Ruthenois, who fell to the ground, had a concussion, according to the match referee, with an ITT duration of one day according to the prosecution.

The defendant, aged 45, is being prosecuted for “entering a competition area of ​​a sports venue disturbing the progress of the competition”, and “premeditated violence leading to incapacity for work (ITT) of less than eight days” .

Placed under judicial supervision and subject to an administrative stadium ban, he faces three years in prison for aggravated violence and a judicial ban from the stadium.

A member of the Ultramarines supporters group, this restaurateur based in Annecy (Savoie) explained during his police custody that he was “a little distraught” after “having the feeling of having been taunted” by Lucas Buades who was celebrating his goal. He admitted the facts and apologized.

If premeditation was not found, he would only be liable to a fifth class fine, i.e. 1,500 euros maximum.

“He knows he made a mistake, but he did not want to be violent. And he will assume his responsibility,” say those around the defendant.

De son côté, Lucas Buades a fait l’objet de menaces de mort après l’arrêt du match, selon son avocate Me Karine Shebabo.

In addition to the Ruthenian player, the Rodez and Bordeaux clubs are civil parties to the trial. The Professional Football League (LFP) has also mandated a lawyer.

On a sporting level, the Bordeaux club was sanctioned with a lost match on the green carpet, a withdrawal of a point this season and the closure of a corner of its stadium for two matches. Rodez, for his part, had ensured his survival thanks to this result.