He arrived arm-swinging in the cage, without lifting his guard for the entire fight, and paid the consequences at the Accor Arena on March 7, as a preamble to the expected fight between Cédric Doumbè and “Baki”.

KO after 12 short seconds in which he tried nothing, allowing himself to be “defeated” by his compatriot Islem Masraf, Mike Groguhé admitted after his defeat to having shown “nonchalance”, as is his “usual”, but “in the ‘extreme.” He apologized and gave his news on Instagram a few days after his defeat.

“Hello everyone, the day after my defeat I was on a plane heading to Uzbekistan for a radical change. Thank you all for your messages of support and I wish a happy Ramadan to all Muslims,” wrote the Frenchman on his Instagram account, without adding additional information.