Winner by the referee’s decision to abandon Cédric Doumbè on a medical decision for a splinter in the foot, Baki left the door open to a rematch on condition of respecting certain demands, notably salary. “If there is a re-match, the PFL would have to issue a big, big, big check, but a big check guys (…). Minimum 500,000 euros. A million would be the best,” declared Nabil Takali, the young fighter’s physical trainer, on Youtube. The PFL organizing league of the duel between the two French people will have to comply with the demands of the winning clan, which is not only demanding cash, but also changes to the rules.

Also readMMA: Baki-Doumbé at PFL Paris, all that for that?

A fight in 5 rounds instead of 3, the authorization to use elbows, these are the modifications that Baki’s team wants to agree to put the victory back into play. In his YouTube live, Nabil Takali also declared that Cédric Doumbè would have received €400,000 for last Thursday’s event according to his statements. As a reminder, the Kickboxing world champion will lodge a protest to transform his defeat into a “No contest” and replay the match. Will we have “Baki vs Doumbè” episode 2? To be continued.

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