2018 Was the year of scandals, Facebook , could the 2019 meeting will be the year in which legislature in the world measures, in order to draw Social Media platforms and more responsibility. First drafts and laws indicate the direction in which the jurisprudence could develop. Also with criticism is to be expected.

plans for a draft law to be presented next week in the UK – the Guardian has been able to see the paper, however, already in advance. It will take Social Media platforms, search engines, Online news services, and file hosting services more in duty, if on their platforms of the content in connection with terrorism, child abuse, self-harming behaviour or suicide are common. Is it the intention of the initiators, the leaders of the respective companies directly liable.

guard rails instead of self-regulation in the United Kingdom

The proposals for a broad field to cover and are still quite vague, describes to the Guardian. Among other things, the operator shall be obliged to annual Reports in which they transparent need to make, how much harmful content is distributed through your pages and what you can do about it. In addition, the company can be compelled to cooperate with law enforcement authorities. The British interior Minister, Sajid Javid, and the Minister for culture, media and Sport to write in your Preface, you have to get away from the self-regulation and clear guidelines.

the company should give it in addition to statutory regulation by a “Code of Practice”, a kind of code of conduct. He should ensure that Considerations for the Welfare of the community are included already in the Design of platforms and products, for example, in terms of misinformation, fact-Checking and transparency with respect to campaign advertising and political Ads.

critics fear that it could take a long time, until the proposal of the law would be implemented level, and not complain that he was going far enough. Compliance with this law, if it enters into force, first by the British media oversight authority, Ofcom, monitors, and later by a newly created independent Institution.

In the UK, the call for more regulation after the suicide of a 14-Year-old two years ago, according to. Their parents fear that images have contributed of self-mutilating behavior on Instagram to your decision.

USA: Special protection for children

In the United States is discussed since yesterday, Thursday, a new draft law aimed at protecting children from the negative excesses of Youtube . The “Kids Internet and Design Safety Act” (“KIDS”) is intended to prevent, above all, that children get extreme content. The draft is already in the Software: Such Algorithms will in future be written in such a way that they will have a less manipulative on children’s. In addition, advertisements and content displayed to children should be limited, also with regard to the commercialization of content. Furthermore, harmful or extreme content will not be delivered preferably; at the same time parents clear action to receive proposals from Youtube, the video platform itself to be committed to more transparency and ability to act.

Youtube was recently advised in the criticism of doing too little for the safety of children, as the so-called “Momo Challenge” in the Videos emerged, which was specifically directed to children.

The discussion of the draft law is still in its infancy. However, as Ed Markey, the democratic Senator for Massachusetts, his proposal, published on Twitter, according to a mother: “KIDS” could be more open censorship go to the door.

India also wants to bypass data protection

in India, there are efforts, the dissemination of Fake News curb. A proposed adjustment to the law could force companies to remove objectionable content, within the space of 72 hours to determine the origin of the content. This would mean that the device to device encryption, as used, for example, Whatsapp, the consumers, to protect and bypassed. Here, too, critics fear censorship by the government. India witnessed in the past few years, waves of violence, which were sparked by Fake News on Social Media channels.

Australia: law of Snap

In Australia, the policy since this week is already a step further. The Parliament yesterday adopted Thursday a law. There are Social Media platforms the obligation, to remove content that, in the terrorist attacks, murder, rapes, or kidnappings. In case of violation of the law face prison employees are met and the company Fines of up to ten percent of annual profits.

The new law is a response to the stroke of Christchurch in neighbouring new Zealand from 15. March. A lobbyist for the Tech industry in Australia, to be referred to the leaked waved to design than a fast shot that doesn’t address the fundamental Problem of hate speech. Critics actually see the difficulties in implementation that might result from the sometimes vague formulation of the law text. The platforms will be asked to remove the content in question “expeditiously”, so quickly – but how can a court, what is quickly defined?

The designs and the decision in Australia, demonstrate that the policy now forced to Act or ability – demonstrated but also where the sticking points lie in a new legislation. You can profit-oriented companies, the rules of the game define, or to trust to the fact that the state always acts in the interest of its citizens? This question will come up in the next few years, probably even more often. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 05.04.2019, 20:19 PM