Former Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas ‘had no choice’ but legal proceedings to be paid 14.5 million euros for the purchase of a third of his shares by the new owner John Textor, as provided for in their agreement, he explained to AFP on Wednesday.

Why did you block an OL Group account?

“Eagle contractually committed on December 22 to buy back a third of the 8.7% that is our stake by August 10, and the other two thirds by December 31 of next year, we had no other choice, from the moment he does not pay us, than to launch legal proceedings. I received a letter from Mr Textor after 48 hours asking us not to freeze the accounts, explaining that there was enough money in the Arkema (bank) account, we agreed to release all other accounts, we simply asked for the guarantee and the pledge of the shares (the pledged securities serve as collateral, editor’s note).

Isn’t it sad to take legal action against the club you grew?

“My heart cries for OL… Of course it’s sad but it’s not against the club, not the club but against the one who bought it, John Textor with Eagle, who bought it. Me, if tomorrow I am asked to release all the pledges against the payment that is due, there is no problem. I would love to help OLG and John Textor, I spent 36 years there, I have no interest in OLG not advancing, not only am I a shareholder but also a financier of the hall (for the team ASVEL basketball court, editor’s note) which will be inaugurated in two years. I can’t do any harm to this institution, on the other hand, the people who have committed to buying back securities must keep their commitments.

Executive Chairman Santiago Cucci accuses you of putting the club in danger…

“What he says is Machiavellian and false, we had no choice but to do otherwise, we are owed 14.5 million euros, we put them on notice to pay, they answer us no. Why doesn’t he pay? I’m not going to use the most appropriate term so as not to be blamed for it, but you are owed money, contractually, in addition with a listed company, an operation that lasted a year and a half from postponement to postponement, and today we are being reproached for trying to obtain payment for what we are owed! He says they couldn’t operate in the middle of the transfer window, that’s not true, they announce new players every day, and I’m happy about that. He talks about western “(in L’Équipe, Ed), but the western is led by cowboys, not by me, my heart is at OL I will never invest in another club. I appeal to Santiago Cucci, that he accept my advice, that he accepts that we exchange, the solution is there.