Between the new and the old Lyon management, nothing is going well. Since the ousting of the historic president of OL last May, the two have not stopped sending spikes with tweets and the media interposed. Tuesday evening at a press conference by videoconference, the American John Textor gave his version of the facts concerning the origin of these disagreements. A quarrel linked according to him to an email sent by the DNCG (the body responsible for monitoring the financial situation of clubs) just before the official takeover of the club last December.

“On December 16, three days before the final sale, I received an email titled “DNCG: final decision”. However, in the middle of a flood of information, a warning from the DNCG was drowned out. I was the only recipient of this email which was not sent to the lawyers and investors. If I had known about these restrictions, I would have asked to stop the negotiation. Rather than giving half a billion to the sellers, I would have lowered this purchase price and put more money into the club’s accounts. (…) This is one of the reasons for our difficulties with Jean-Michel. I find it almost funny but actually tragic that he says he would have resolved the situation when he presided over the deterioration of the business and hid this bad news.

SEE ALSO – The summary of Strasbourg-Lyon on August 13 (2-1)

According to him, Jean-Michel Aulas was therefore guilty of not having played fair. He replied to him first in the morning on X (formerly Twitter): “I imagine that these remarks are not no John Textor because by holding them he would expose himself to a defamation lawsuit and moreover would risk catastrophic sanctions for OL from the DNCG and the LFP…! »

A few hours later, the former boss of Les Gones carried out his threats. In a press release from his company Holnest, he announced that he was filing a complaint against the main shareholder of OL. “The Holnest company, controlled by Jean-Michel Aulas, is filing a defamation complaint against Eagle and John Textor (director and main shareholder of the Eagle group, majority shareholder of the company Olympique Lyonnais Groupe (OLG), and chairman of the board of directors of ‘OLG), following the remarks made by the latter during a press conference on August 29, “can we read in the press release.

There is no doubt that in the current Lyon slump (17th in the standings, 1 point in 3 games), this Textor-Aulas relationship is not helping to restore the situation.