Co-founder of the Sports Business Observatory, Wulfran Devauchelle is an expert in marketing, football, authorities and American sports.

The Sport Business Observatory: A year ago, you said that the relative carelessness that accompanied the preparation of the Paris 2024 Olympics was going to give way to vigilance and sobriety. In light of what has happened over the past year, is this really the case?

Armand de Rendinger: It is difficult to answer this question positively or negatively, as the past year of French Olympism has gone through various and strong moments, both positive and negative, predictable and original. It is this particular cocktail that we must analyze to hope that, less than a year before the Paris 2024 Games, this last year does not become one of all the dangers and does not call into question the investments made and the scope of measures taken and efforts undertaken.

It is obvious that the intervention of the State and the takeover by the government, through its Minister of Sports and the Olympic Games, in July 2022, have given a new dimension to the preparation of the Olympic Games. Notwithstanding the few political difficulties in coordinating the various actors responsible for organizing the Olympic Games, this awareness has been beneficial. The enthusiastic and constantly displayed voluntarism and the daily and all-terrain presence of Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra mean, even if this is the subject of lively and controversial debates on social networks, that the Olympics have become a matter of State and that the Élysée has realized that it must now find itself, with all the political risks that this entails, on the front line.

Could it be otherwise? Certainly not and this has the advantage of allowing the COJOP, chaired by Tony Estanguet, focus requires and dispersion prohibited, to concentrate solely on the operational tasks which are within its remit. These are numerous and complex, most often requiring skills that are difficult to find. Also, without significant recourse from the State, which is moreover in the usual and very particular French political context, it would be difficult for the management of the COJOP to assume them alone in an effective and responsible manner.

There are precisely many detractors of the Olympics event who consider, in particular in the light of the project of the opening ceremony of the Olympics on the Seine or the Olympic Flame Journey, that we oscillate between the madness of grandeur and the principle, which has become very topical, of “whatever the cost” is Olympic. What does it really mean to you?

President Emmanuel Macron has repeated it enough and relayed it by his Minister of Sports: nothing must be neglected so that France shows the whole world, on the occasion of its Olympic Games, the image of a country of ‘on the one hand prestigious and on the other hand mobilized behind this event, hence this intensive and all-round communication that everything will be ready on time, is under control and the party in less than a year will be joyful and spectacular, for the Games both Olympic and Paralympic, for its entire population.

This observation made, if not accepted by all as to its effects, it is normal that the COJOP, in all its components (State, City of Paris, departments, regions, CNOSF, sponsors, media partners) take risks and assume the consequences. Obvious risks and numerous consequences concerning almost all the issues which contribute to the success of the Olympic Games.

It is no longer time today to rationate on the usefulness of the Olympic Games for a country, but rather to have immediately, in the few days remaining, an objective and transparent analysis of the still existing problems, in order to anticipating and resolving them with regard to the criteria which determine the success or otherwise of the Games.

This is the only real question that must be asked today. To sum up and make it simple, the Paris Olympics will be a success if they respond positively to the 5 criteria that Paris 2024 has imposed on itself and which are, it is true, quite close to those imposed by any organizer. of an event of the magnitude of the Olympics:

1. Respect the repeatedly stated promises that the Games will be economically balanced, responsible, unprecedented and spectacular. A promise that will only be evaluated after the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games. In the meantime, we will have the right to all suspicions as to the credibility of the figures and budgets announced. The Court of Auditors has alerted the Olympic authorities on several occasions to the excesses and shortcomings. Also between the latter affirming that everything is under control and the experts forecasting a significant deficit between planned expenditure and revenue, the discussion today and at this stage of preparation for the Games is only of secondary interest. Let the COJOP do its job, under the control of the competent organizations and an appointment is made at the end of the Games to find out who was wrong and who was right in the light of the economic, environmental and social results which will finally be known.

2. Ensure that all French territories and its population are mobilized behind the Games. Beyond the effects of the promotion and communication developed and their quality, criticism and reluctance will only increase with the difficulties encountered, if we limit ourselves only to making “thunderous” announcements without anticipating the crises that ’they can generate. Two examples to illustrate this phenomenon: ticketing, through its reservation procedures and prices, having caused more frustration than popular support, and the Olympic Flame Journey, not having been the subject of mental preparation regarding to his “non-appearance” in the last two French Olympic cities of Grenoble and Albertville, having surprised and angered many Olympic champions. Today, the surveys on the degree of support for the Olympic Games in France are, at this stage of their preparation, contradictory to say the least and, despite the multiplicity of communication actions, still weak. However, we remain convinced, barring a major incident, the closer the date of the opening ceremony gets and if the test events go well, support for the Paris Olympics will grow, as will the criticism against them. . A common phenomenon in all preparations for the organization of the Games and in this case France will not escape it.

3. Ensure that all means are implemented so that the Games are effectively a catalyst in order to accelerate all work promoting accessibility to infrastructure of all kinds for people with disabilities. Beyond just communication actions to promote the promotion of events concerning them and which are multiplying, it is absolutely necessary to put in place objective criteria to evaluate all the progress made in terms of accessibility. Today, hearing from the people concerned, the investments are not up to the challenges and promises announced. Beyond all the billions that are announced as benefits thanks to the Olympic Games and that no one will concretely verify once they are over (as is customary during each Olympics), this question relating to disability will certainly be a key element of the success and intelligent contribution of the Olympic Games.

4. Having solved this very French problem: making the Olympics a popular and united celebration, while recognizing that they cannot be organized without the help of private money and the elite, whether rich or not . To see how the issues of Olympic ticket pricing, hotel and private room reservations, criticism of the choice of certain sponsors are experienced and dealt with… in a way, the cohabitation between the necessary money, popular support and “protocol” splendor of the Olympics, difficult to imagine that this resolution can be done in the short term in the current social and political climate. However, this will have to happen for the Olympics to actually be a success.

5. Finally 5th criterion and not the least important, that of the number of Olympic medals that the French will obtain at the Olympic Games and in particular the number of gold medals. Nothing is more uncertain in this matter, all the more so since the recent events, during world and European championships in certain sports disciplines, have not brought the hoped-for success on the one hand and on the other hand, the years of delay in the necessary investments in the high-performance sector do not give cause for optimism. The objective of being in the Top 5 of the most medal-winning nations with a significant number of Olympic champions will be scrutinized continuously and can only be achieved if our athletes are indeed at the top of their form and that no imponderable comes to disturb their preparation. Nothing is a foregone conclusion in sport. Despite the accumulated delays, let’s remain pragmatic: it is enough that the opening ceremony is the promised spectacle and without incident and that quickly, during the first events, gold medals fall into the hands of the French clan, La Marseillaise helping , so that the Games become popular and above all exciting. Let’s remain pragmatic and not rely too much on luck, knowing that the competition, with or without the presence of all the Olympic nations, will be tough, as the competition between athletes will be strong.

So precisely, from this perspective, what are these issues that are so decisive, the subject of so many questions in the media, contributing or not to the success of the Paris 2024 Olympics and should be the subject of particular vigilance?

Less than a year before the Games, the list of these files to be dealt with is impressive and paradoxically those are not the most complicated which necessarily create the most buzz in the media and the population. The Olympic Games are a special event and of a much more complex dimension in its preparation than a European Football Cup final or a Rugby World Cup. Also, if failing to organize these would indeed make a bad impression, but these events cannot be considered as rehearsals of what the Olympic Games will be.

This list of files to be processed is all the more important in the cases of Paris 2024 as the COJOP and the government wanted to “Olympize” all territories and all actions relating to sport. There is hardly a project linked to sport that should not be promoted without the aim of placing it in the perspective of the Olympic Games. Paradoxical situation which means that whatever happens, good or bad, it is thanks to the Olympics or their fault! Thus the slightest file can become a problem and must be processed almost in real time, if we want to avoid it becoming detrimental for Paris 2024 and “polluting” their last year of preparation.

So let’s list these files and ask ourselves the simple question how the terms of their treatment or not would have an impact on the preparation of the Olympic Games, their image and their success. Since they must all be processed in parallel, it is not useful to rank them or to set priorities as to the sequence of their processing, all having more or less a certain impact, less than one year on the quality of the Paris Olympics. Complex situation which requires COJOP teams to be constantly vigilant and have a spirit of anticipation to resolve problems.

– Crisis at the CNOSF (French National Olympic and Sports Committee): the events leading to the resignation of President Brigitte Henriques and her replacement by IOC member David Lappartient, as heartbreaking as they may be, now have a minor impact on the smooth running of the Olympic Games, especially since the new President is attached to the IOC and is investing in the development of a CNOSF that lives up to its role in the new governance of French sport.

– Test events: the smooth running of the test events on the Olympic sites over the coming weeks is decisive. Also the promises made regarding the events, for example free swimming in the Seine in the best health conditions, must be respected and be the subject of appropriate communication, as the subject is political and has become controversial.

– Taking into consideration the thoughts of Olympic athletes and champions: Not integrating them in an operational and appropriate manner into all the organization and communication systems of the Olympic Games would be prohibitive for the acceptance of the Olympic Games, the main reason for which is to allow athletes from around the world to compete in the best conditions.

– Surfing in Tahiti: beyond the prestige linked to the choice of the territory of the event, the climatic conditions of its progress, its financial and ecological cost, the opposition of certain local associations to the terms of development of the site, the resentment sites not selected, first and foremost Biarritz… so many firebrands which will fuel the criticism. It would be particularly harmful to ignore them and/or trivialize them through minimal communication.

– Sailing in Marseille: choice, essentially political to the detriment of La Rochelle mainly, will have to be assumed in particular in the event of unfavorable climatic conditions which can be rife in the Mediterranean. The surprise of the choice of Marseille made by the COJOP represents a significant risk taking, all the more so since the city has invested a lot in its image and so that its body of water, otherwise splendid, welcomes in the best conditions the Olympic delegations.

– Route of the Olympic Flame: another daring choice and certainly its passage, even paying, on many territories in France and overseas, will represent an important moment in the mobilization of the French behind the Games. Beyond its complex logistics, experience, security issues will be a major element of its success. It’s difficult to predict everything, but in this case, this event is a source of all possible incidents. At this stage, we can only hope that everything will be done to secure the course and above all that it will not be taken hostage by opposition groups, whether political or not to the Games, as was often the case during previous Olympics.

Opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: what more to add compared to everything that has already been said and which will be amplified as we get closer to the date of its taking place, July 26, 2024. The project, outside of a closed stadium and on the Seine, is spectacular, unique and exciting. In this case, risks of all kinds (logistics, security, timing) were taken as soon as it was announced and for certain security experts, this could even amount to “collective and criminal unconsciousness”. No plan B planned in the event of an incident according to COJOP. Let’s bet – unfortunately from now on that the detractors of the Olympic Games will do their utmost to discredit this ceremony and join the cohort of usual opponents of the Olympic Games. In this perspective, the way in which the COJOP will have to communicate about the risks incurred will be fundamental and will call on master elements in terms of crisis communication to avoid being mired in quarrels diverting it from the primary objective which is that of organize an Olympic Games and not a simple festive and expensive evening, important of course, but exclusively on a symbolic level.

– Depollution of the Seine: a real “sea serpent” having been the subject of all the promises and in particular from the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Will we be able to swim safely in the Seine during the Olympics? The bets are off, especially since a positive response is dependent on multiple technical and climatic factors that politicians are not able to control.

– Budget, taxation and financial communication: another major issue to be dealt with, as it is the subject of all suspicions, knowing that the COJOP’s budget presentations have been the subject of severe criticism, in particular from the Court of Auditors. In the absence of real transparency and insofar as the financial justifications are complex by nature, the famous so accommodating mantra of “The Games pay for the Games” finds itself overtaken by reality. It can no longer serve as a screen to hide the inevitable deviations, especially in the last year of preparation.

– Management of human resources at the COJOP: the significant resignations and dismissals, whether justified or not, in addition to the remuneration considered abusive for certain managers and the reclassification bonuses planned for after the Olympics, are not done to appease the criticisms at with regard to this management. The climate surrounding these subjects should not disturb the staff of the COJOP even more at a time when they need more than ever human resources available and dedicated exclusively to the cause of the Olympic Games. Thinking about your personal post-OG in this delicate period would be more than harmful to ensure that the deadlines that are imposed on everyone are met. In this perspective, the human resources department and the one who will take care of volunteers will have to manage particularly complex issues, out of the ordinary and calling on skills and experiences outside of French “common social law”.

– Hotel prices and price spikes: usual and inevitable situation during most Olympic Games. The problem in France is that of wanting to be social and popular while being able to allow hosts to benefit from the Olympic windfall. A vast problem which goes far beyond the scope of the Olympic period and which cannot be resolved without immediate, courageous and realistic political decisions.

– Reconversion of the athletes and media village: This reconversion, partly into social housing and attractive apartments, as announced, to develop a quality housing area, can only be envisaged with a land policy controlled by those responsible local. Will this be possible once the Olympics are over? foreign experiences in this area have rarely been conclusive and have done little to lead to the hoped-for social diversity. This question is not to be addressed by the COJOP, but is the responsibility of the political leaders of the territories concerned. Will they have the will and courage to address it in the heat of the media and potential local voters?

– Ticketing: Crucial issue to promote and maintain the mobilization of the French. Here again, reconciling the social aspect by means of interesting tickets at affordable prices with the need to collect as much revenue as possible is a complex equation and to date this has not really been resolved in the minds of fans of the OJ.

– Invasion of Ukraine by Russia and consequences on the invitation or not of Russian and Belarusian athletes: It is up to the IOC and not to France to decide this question and to define the modalities of their possible participation. In this context, it will be up to the French government alone, to avoid any possibility of a boycott or demonstration hostile to the Games on our territory, to clearly explain to citizens why, during the period of the “Olympic truce”, it will sometimes be necessary to “put in night light” certain principles and values ​​of our Republic and democracy.

– Ethics: Value advocated by those responsible for the Olympics is being undermined today, in particular by the cases of corruption and conflicts of interest, crossing the COJOP, as well as by the recent complaint filed against one of its executives managers. The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has been contacted and analyzes following the searches carried out are underway. As long as justice has not rendered its verdict, it is not certain that the simple reminder of the principle of the presumption of innocence is an effective and sufficient screen to annihilate all the suspicions declared until the start of the Olympic Games.

– Security: Certainly the major issue of the Olympics. Beyond the usual security that an event of this nature imposes, the risk taken by the COJOP to make it spectacular, unique and popular, not only for the opening ceremony, requires colossal financial and logistical resources. . The state authorities in charge of this file agree and although the measures implemented to anticipate all the risks must maintain a certain confidentiality, the scale of the investments to be deployed goes far beyond the framework of the Olympic Games themselves. Securing the entire country therefore becomes a primary challenge for the State, knowing that the cost to date is difficult to estimate.

– Transport: Another worrying file, although the COJOP knows how to understand this subject well, but because the systems implemented can be altered by elements beyond its control, such as the narrowness of access to certain sites, popular outbursts, technical incidents, unforeseen strikes.

– Governance of French sport: France is characterized in particular by a particularly original and complex governance of its sport, by a juxtaposition and a stacking of responsible authorities which more or less have their say in the sporting organization of the Olympic Games. These are aimed in particular at reviewing and rethinking this entire organisation. Also in the meantime, the more the government, with the CNOSF and the sports federations, than the COJOP, will have to demonstrate diplomacy to satisfy all the demands of the current actors of this governance which will multiply, as the Olympic Games will approach.

In the light of this non-exhaustive list of files to be dealt with, should we understand why a final year of preparation for the Olympic Games, like what all the countries which have committed to organizing them in the best way have experienced possible, is that of all the dangers?

For Paris and France the challenge is therefore immense. It is all the more so because beyond the technical offer, the prestige of most of the sites selected and the efforts undertaken by the COJOP teams, the country finds itself confronted with a major crisis of confidence and the government, an essential player in the success of the Paris 2024 Games, must be able, while we are neither China nor Russia, but a republican democracy, to impose strict rules relating to ethical and financial security and logistics of this Olympic event. He is certainly aware of this, given the current and implemented system, but will he be able, within the framework of his usual communication, to impose it on the French, so attached to their individual freedom, in the name of the beautiful ideal that Olympism represents? The success of the Olympics will depend greatly on the nature of the response he will be able to provide, not in a year, but in the short term.