Pierre Olivier Beckers, president of the IOC coordination commission, visiting Paris for a few days, said on Friday that he did not fear strikes in France during the Olympic Games, during a press conference at the headquarters of the organizing committee. of the Paris Olympics.

Asked about the social climate in France and whether the International Olympic Committee (IOC) feared strikes, Mr. Beckers replied “no, we have no fear” because “the dialogue is open,” he said. he assured. “We are very aware that solutions will be found.”

The CGT announced the filing of strike notice in the public service after having awarded “a red card” to the government and requested the holding of a round table.

Pierre Olivier Beckers gave, as is often the case at the end of this type of meeting, “his encouragement” to the organizing committee which “is where it should be at this point in the project”.

While the Ministry of the Interior specified this week the gauges for the unprecedented opening ceremony on the Seine and the conditions of access to free places on the high quays, now by invitation and no longer by registration, Tony Estanguet, boss of Cojo, assured that “the promise remains unpublished”.

Incidentally, he specified that the ceremony will start at 7:30 p.m. Previously, the time of 8:24 p.m. was given for the start of this unique ceremony on the river.

Also read: Strike notice: “The Olympics must not become a witness to our negligence in terms of social dialogue”

The general director of Cojo, Etienne Thobois, specified for his part that regarding the Olympics “two million tickets remain to be sold, including one million for football”, and a new sales phase will be held in mid-April at 100 opening days of the Olympics.

Asked about the criticism addressed both to the organization of the Olympic Games and to the State, the IOC said it had “no surprise because it is quite obvious that the months preceding the opening ceremony of ‘an edition of the Olympic Games are not easy months’, especially for residents due to the works, ‘because the city is getting dressed up’.

“We know that many workers will be impacted by a long, hot summer, with a disruption to their usual rhythm and schedule and that brings a lot of questions,” he added. “This was the case in London,” he assured.

“The indicators are good at 140 days, the plans continue to unfold without a hitch,” assured Tony Estanguet.