The organizers of the Paris Olympics said they were “shocked” on Monday by the “racist attacks” made by the far right against the singer Aya Nakamura, who could, according to the Express, sing Edith Piaf at the opening of the Olympics .

“We were very shocked by the racist attacks targeting Aya Nakamura in recent days. Total support for the most listened to French artist in the world,” the Paris Olympic organizing committee responded to AFP.

Also read: Aya Nakamura’s possible participation in the Olympics ceremony angers identitarians and the far right

The French weekly L’Express affirmed that the Franco-Malian star discussed with Emmanuel Macron his possible participation in the opening ceremony of the Olympics (July 26-August 11), with the possibility of taking on Edith Piaf. Neither the President of the Republic nor the most listened to French-speaking singer in the world have yet confirmed this rumor.

This hypothesis makes reactionaries in France bristle, with a peak reached this weekend. Boos arose at the mention of the artist on Sunday, during a first major campaign meeting for the European elections of Reconquête!, Eric Zemmour’s far-right party, at the Dôme de Paris.

A small ultra-right group, Les Natifs, posted on its networks a photo of a banner hung by around ten of its members on the banks of the Seine. “There’s no way Aya, this is Paris, not the Bamako market!”, we can read. “There’s no way” refers to his hit “Djadja”, with more than 950 million views on YouTube.

The artist has nevertheless received numerous messages of support, including one from the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, posted on With you”.

Although outraged, the organizers of the Olympic Games did not wish to comment on the scenario put forward by L’Express, specifying that speculation in the media, concerning the artists likely to participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, will not be commented on. “That will leave room for twice as many surprises,” they conclude.