The French Football Federation will not adapt its organization according to Ramadan, while it will host numerous national selections at the CNF in Clairefontaine from Monday, the body told AFP on Wednesday.

“No specific rule modifying the collective organization of training courses and team matches is taken in connection with religious practice,” indicates the FFF.

In addition to Didier Deschamps’ Blues, the National Football Center in Clairefontaine will welcome, from next Monday, the U23s led by Thierry Henry, who are beginning their preparation for the Olympics, the U19s, involved in the Elite Tour of the European Championship. Europe, or the U17s who compete in the Elite Europe Tour in England.

Later in the month, the boys will give way to Hervé Renard’s French women’s team in the running for the Euro 2025 qualifiers from April 5.

As in previous years, the “3F” intends to apply religious neutrality and respect for secularism which prevails in the public service in France.

Concretely and in consultation with their staff, Muslim players in the different selections will postpone their fast as permitted by their religion and will make up for the days of non-fasting at the end of Ramadan.

A fairly common practice in the world of sport, already applied by the various French selections, which allows high-level athletes to be in full possession of their physical means while respecting their religion.