The chronic crisis of public transport, the absence of the metropolitan, a conformation road complicated: Rome is the second city of the planet earth for hours lost in traffic. This is what emerges from the Global card scorecard, Inrix analysis of trend of mobility and urban congestion in 200 cities in 38 Countries.

A result of shock: the capital city is, in fact, even the second place with 254 hours head lost each year in traffic, preceded only by Bogota with 272.

The complete study (pdf)

In the company of Rome, there is also Milan in the top 10 of the world’s cities with the most hours lost to every citizen in traffic. The capital of lombardy, however, is seventh with 226 hours. Third place for Dublin (246), ahead of Paris, and the Russian Rostov-on-don (237) and London, with 227.

Scrolling down the ranking we find out later that Florence is the 15th with 195 hours lost in the traffic, Naples is 17/ma (186 hours), Turin is 22, but with 167, Genoa is 46/, but with 148 hours and Bologna is 47, but with 147 hours. The situation better in Bari (71/ma and 133 hours lost), and Palermo (83/, but with 119 hours lost).

“The congestion of cities – explain to the Inrix – is a global phenomenon and the indiscriminate that is dramatically affected by population, economy, infrastructure, and the proliferation of rideshare and delivery services. It also implies huge costs from the point of view of the economic or social”. Difficult, however, to find solutions universal: “From quersto point of view – explain the researchers at Inrix – every city is different and requires a tailored approach to the different needs of
each urban agglomeration”.

Of course, “There is another pollutant that reduces the quality of life of people in addition to the smog, are the lost hours in traffic every citizen, and Rome and Milan are among the cities in the world with the largest number of lost hours for every citizen in the traffic,” explains the national coordinator of the Greens Angelo Bonelli, commenting in the data.

The complete ranking
Mexico City
Belo Horizonte
Saint Petersburg
Rio de Janeiro
Nizhny Novgorod

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