Even if Assange was in the Embassy, made Wikileaks policy. The platform leakte CIA-hacker tricks, Federal documents about the BND, and stir in the US election – in the spirit of its Creator.

Jannis Brühl Jannis Brühl

Jannis Brühl, born in Nuremberg, is head of the digital Department. Studied politics and American studies in Erlangen, Germany and Portland, Oregon. Internship at SZ.de, then staff in the Economics Department. Won with the SZ-volunteers of the guard price of German daily press for the project “weapons in Germany”. In 2013, Arthur F. Burns-fellow the editors of ProPublica in New York. By 2015, a correspondent for the North Rhine-Westphalia in Cologne and Düsseldorf.

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In the fifth year of his asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy, Julian is likely to be Assange became clear that he must also expect the government of Donald Trump, no mercy. In 2017, the then CIA chief Mike Pompeo called the Wikileaks founder a “narcissist who has nothing of value created,” a “coward hiding behind a screen.” Wikileaks was a “hostile, non-state intelligence” – probably the most brutal system of classification, which can be ascribed to a chief of the intelligence service of a single web page.

This was in contradiction to what had not call Pompeos current boss Donald Trump once a year earlier in the election campaign: “I love Wikileaks!”. Assange’s whistleblowing site had published internal E-Mails from the Democrats, the American media whose content is disseminated willingly, what made trump’s opponent in trouble: the Democrat Hillary Clinton.

of Their trailers was Assange who was arrested in this Donenrstag in London, since as a Russian puppet. Many experts consider it likely that a unit of the Russian secret service is behind the Hack. U.S. intelligence agencies have declared that the Russian secret service GRU gave the E-Mails directly to Wikileaks. Assange denies that the Russian government has given him the documents.

but that Julian Assange, was able to shake according to the New Yorker , a “man without a country” to see the world from his shelter in London. His Connections to the outside world consisted of a Visit from Hacker colleagues, from his supporter Pamela Anderson and the Wikileaks Twitter Account, with 5.4 million followers, to which he, at least temporarily, had access. Assange can rely on a dedicated and partly unknown Team, global supporters, and in the early years of the organization-furnished encrypted communication. Also, the amplifier function of the larger media after Leaks helped that Wikileaks remained relevant. After Ecuador had locked Assange 2018 in the meantime, the Internet access, the Icelandic Jorunalist Kristinn Hrafnsson to the editor-in-chief. Assange remained as editor, but probably the most important decision-makers.

state enemy of the United States

the Twitter account distributed Assange not only attacks on his opponents and conspiracy-theoretical mischief, but also continue to be major Leaks. Made the website more, even though credit card companies had already tried years ago to cut off flows of Money. Amazon had shut down its Cloud service AWS in 2010 for Wiklieaks, because the release of the US Embassy are hazardous to the dispatches of the people whose names are in the documents showed up. That the US government was apparently able to exert successful pressure on corporations, was to Assange as evidence of their omnipotence. “If Putin will go to buy a coke, 30 seconds later in Washington,” he said in 2012 in an interview with the band “Cypher punks”.

The wrath of CIA chief Pompeo referred to the documents, the Wikileaks under the name “Vault 7” in March 2017 into the net. The publication of a collection of Hacking tools was an unprecedented humiliation for the secret service. The unveiling showed IT professionals around the world, such as the CIA’s knowledge of secret vulnerabilities in Software and Hardware hoard and the safety of bystanders endangered. Because if the CIA knows a angle of attack and the manufacturer does not report, then he is open to potentially other intelligence agencies, and Criminals. According to the documents, the secret service was able to penetrate a period of time in Apple’s iPhones. A former programmer of CIA was later arrested, because he is said to have smuggled the documents out.

Assange is in the U.S. as an enemy of the state. Now a request for extradition from the United States, the British authorities, because Assange helped to have, as Chelsea Manning, in 2010 the documents from the army and the diplomats copied and Wikileaks leaked. Manning was sitting up in 2017 in prison.

The most important Wikileaks publication of the recent years were certainly the internal E-Mails of the US, the Democrats, in the middle of the US election. You showed grave struggles within the party and Clinton’s campaign may not have helped, at least. Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen testified before the U.S. Congress that Trump knew about the middle-man Roger Stone of assange’s Plan to publish documents.

Uncommented the publications were never left

Since many of the Details of his life was laid out in the Embassy in the Russian state broadcaster RT, suspected assange’s enemies to him, specifically Ping-Pong to play with the Russian state propaganda. The Italian reporter Stefania Maurizi, who has worked with Wikileaks and to assange’s supporters, argued that Assange collaborate actively in its instrumentalization: “Russia perceives Assange as a kind of Western dissidents. The country loves the idea that there are “Western dissidents” and annoys the West, with joy, by ensuring that Assange and his Organisation is widely reported.”

The fight against the American-led “Empire” is something of assange’s life. In his years in the Embassy in its Twitter messages more and more clear that his reservations against autocrats, are surpassed by his hatred of the “Liberals” of Western policy, the socio-politically progressive liberal. In most of the world’s political disasters in his eyes, is a complex of debt from the US Democrats, the Non-Trumpisten under the Republicans, from foreign policy think tanks, U.S. army, and companies such as Google, with which the Obama-making out of government. The furious reaction of the US Democrats on the Leaks during the election campaign is likely to have him in this Conviction only strengthened.

Wikileaks may publish its documents differently than traditional media without selection and weighting, uncommented the publications remained still, never. From the German point of view important: The release of 90 gigabytes from the Committee of inquiry of the Bundestag on the cooperation between the BND and NSA. It was announced in 2016, with a press release, pointing out the Highlights.

from the Ecuadorian Embassy out Assange said the world, even if the occasion on first glance was a rather historical topic. In 2016, Wikileaks published dispatches from the year 1979, when Jimmy Carter in Washington ruled. Assange, he declared it to be a “year Zero of the modern Era”. The Iranian Revolution, Saudi Arabia’s final turning to Wahhabism, the CIA support of the Afghan Mujahideen, and thus the 11. September and all the wars in the middle East, who followed him, had their origins here. The assange sche world is formula.

Wikileaks’ strategy remained the subject of criticism: The organization published an unmanageable quantities of documents at a time, and feed the media with a “guide” to read like this. This was both in the case of the CIA Leaks, as well as the E-Mails from the Turkish ruling AKP party of the case, analyzed by the sociologist Zeynep Tufekci in the New York Times. Wikileaks will miss you, but with assange’s comments a “Spin”. Exactly Assange accused the traditional media often.